新西兰Southern Cross
我找Southern Cross 保险公司报销,因为我刚来这儿就买的这家保险。可是他们一直拖着我,不给我结果。一直说我给他们的资料不全,之后我就把我的医生的联系方式发给了他们,让他们去和我的医生要。可他们说这是我的义务,没办法我只好自己和医生要,然后把我能收集到的所有资料全给了他们。
History: Visitor. Came with her aunt. C/O Had only 1 menstrual period since coming to NZ on 5/7/17. She said her only menstrual period in NZ was in Nov 2017 when she had very slight vaginal spotting for 2 days only. No dysmenorrhoea.
Has put on 5kg in weight past 6/12 - eating more meat and lack of exercise.
Menarche 11 yr old. Menstrual periods have always been irregular varying from 1-3 months. However for 2-3 months prior to coming to NZ last year, her periods have been regular.
You have claimed for medical expenses incurred due to a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
We understand from information supplied with your claim that you sought treatment with your GP, Dr Chan, due to Oligomenorrhoea and irregular menstrual cycle. You were then referred for an Ultrasound and lab tests for further investigation. Due to the results of these investigations you were diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
In order to consider your claim, we initially referred to the following section of our policy wording;
If, as a result of an Unexpected Event, You require medical treatment during Your Journey, We will reimburse You for Actual and Reasonable Medical Expenses incurred, or We will confirm payment for a qualifying hospitalisation claim. You, or someone acting on Your behalf, must contact Southern Cross Emergency Assistance if You require hospitalisation or surgical treatment during Your Journey
(1.1 Medical & Evacuation, page 23)
Documentation submitted with your claim advised that since your menarche, your menstrual periods have always been irregular, varying from 1-3 months. Following the receival of this information, it was required that further clarification was needed from your GP, Dr Foong Yeen Chan, in relation to the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and your medical history of Oligomenorrhoea and irregular menstrual cycle. The following question was presented to your GP;
‘In your opinion, on the balance of probabilities, is the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovaries related to the diagnosis of Oligomenorrhoea and irregular menstrual cycle?’
Below is the response provided by your GP, Dr Foong Yeen Chan.
‘An presented with Oligomenorrhoea, Irregular Menstrual Cycle with prolonged periods of Amenorrhoea and her Pelvic Ultrasound Scan on 15/01/2018 has shown Polycystic Ovaries.
Although her Testosterone level is normal, she has two out of three diagnostic criteria based on the Rotterdam diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Hence she does qualify for the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, patients have hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycles, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhoea/anovulation.
Hence in my opinion, on the balance of probabilities, her diagnosis of Polycystic Ovaries is related to the diagnosis of Oligomenorrhoea and Irregular menstrual cycle.’
Under the policy;
We will not pay for any claims under any section of this Policy arising directly or indirectly from Pre-Existing Conditions.
(General Exclusions of this Policy Applying to All Sections, page 20)
Please note;
Pre-Existing Condition: in relation to each person named on Your Certificate of Insurance, any medical or physical conditions, (including congenital conditions, anomalies or defects but excluding congenital blindness and deafness), symptoms or circumstances which You are aware of, or a reasonable person in Your circumstances ought to have been aware of:
for which advice, care, treatment, medication or medical attention has been sought, given, or recommended; or
for which You are awaiting test results or further investigation, specialist treatment or specialist consultation; or
which have been diagnosed as a medical condition, or indicative of a medical conditions; or
which are of such a nature to require or which potentially may require medical attention; or
which are of such a nature as would have caused a prudent, reasonable person to seek medical attention.
prior to Your Start Date of Insurance and regardless of whether or not a medical diagnosis has been made; or
which are not Covered Conditions; or
which have been excluded during the application process; or
for which You have chosen not to seek cover for, or do not tell Us about, at the time of completing Your application.
(Definitions, page 14)
Under the terms and conditions of the International Student policy, we will not pay for any claims arising from Pre-Existing Conditions. Our definition of a Pre-Existing Condition includes any medical or physical symptoms which you were aware of, and for which are of such a nature to require or which potentially may require medical attention prior to Your Start Date of Insurance.
As you had the symptoms of Oligomenorrhoea and irregular periods, which is a symptom of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, before you came to New Zealand, we consider this to be a Pre-Existing condition and we are unable to accept your claim on this occasion.
We are sorry we are unable to bring you better news.
We understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, however please know that we have carefully considered your claim according to the terms and conditions of the policy.
不包preexisting的是这样的吧,你自己去问问insurance advisor
我给你推荐一个好的保险公司吧,我朋友在那边做,即使不是从他那里买的保险,他一般也会愿意帮朋友解答一下的,你加我微信吧 grace56760262
Lianlian88的建议很对,你买商业保险前一定要看preexisting 条款,很多都是不给报销的。而且和医生说话也要注意,除非你觉得你的病史会影响医生的诊断,你没必要说太多。另外体重之类的是你告诉医生增加了很多吗?如果你不说他也不知道你从前多重。另外家庭医生也要选择好的,水平和声誉相差很多。有些基本就是开处方,敷衍了事。但是我看你的家庭医生是满负责的。但是你大概对待商业保险报销经验不足。就当是吃亏买个教训,退一步想想你的疾病至少得到诊断了吧?有时候得失不能光看钱方面。保险不cover,做了很多检查,新西兰医疗真是良心价了,这如果在美国换算成纽币要5000起。
去做点partime把钱一点点补回来吧 以后再找个好点的保险公司 问清楚条款 不要再吃亏了
good luck
Southern Cross很不错了其他的保险更加不咋样