新西兰Homestay available for international college students in exc



Caring and responsible property owner Qiubo David Su is looking for international Homestay college students.

1) Candidates: 15 to 17 years old international college students in nearby colleges for 1+ years stay. Can accommodate up to 5 male students (at the moment some bedrooms are already occupied by flat mates, not Homestay students). A 7 seats station wagon van could be used to provide transportation to the Homestay students between home and schools when in urgent need.

2) Weekly fee: $260 per student, 3 meals provided. Unlimited Ultra Fast Fibre Broadband Internet (Business Plan) 100Mbps/100Mbps (go to www.chorus.co.nz and search 20 Regia Close, Half Moon Bay)

3) Environment: Tidy, Clean, quiet, safe (e.g. smoke alarms were installed in each bedroom and lobby at 2014), sanitary, warm (e.g. renewed roof insulation material to Pink Batts R3.6, installed plastic bubble wraps to all windows and installed rubber weather seals around doors and windows at 2014) and dry (e.g. HRV system was installed at 2010 ), with beautiful scenery. Fully furnished with all the necessary commonly used household facilities. Roof UHF Freeview TV system amplifier was upgraded at 2014 to be able to provision Freeview TV service to each bedroom and each lounge in upstairs and downstairs simultaneously (most are local and international English channels, a few are Asian languages channels). Some GYM facilities in garage for use. Could install large touch screen interactive electronic whiteboard in lounge area as education facility

4) Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese

5) Property owner: ICT professional with excellent educational & professional background in ICT industry in both China & New Zealand. Interested with Technology, Business (please go to www.smartracksolutions.com and www.smartracksolutions.info and www.traceboard.co.nz etc), Management, Public Speaking, DIY tasks, Exercise and Music. In about 10 years period accommodated about 200 flat mates from 33 different countries across 6 different continents and a lot of them are professional (Engineers, Software Developers, Computer Specialists, Managers, Lecturers, Sales, Business people or Musicians) and well educated (with Bachelor, Master or PHD degrees). Immigrated to NZ through professional point-based system and became NZ citizen since 2000.

When the whole place is fully occupied by Homestay students, it may take me about 2 hours per day to provide them the Homestay services, and the rest of the day could be all spent on building my own ICT tech business, the activities of offering Homestay services will be the very good breaks for me during the day (I know some high profile leaders in this country expect me to go for election or to be a manager in some tech industries, but as said many times before, I'm interested with building my own business. I had already independently spent a lot of time on it, I can't stop it, the more time I spend on it, the more impossible for me to stop it, so don't try to persuade me to transfer to any other areas. Thank you)

6) Address: 20 Regia Close, Half Moon Bay, Auckland. The property was high quality built at 1980 to last 100+ years, with concrete block brick walls and concrete tile roof structure. The inside walls of the property are made of plasterboard dry walls, and there is cavity between the inside and outside walls. Compared with the weatherboard/timber type of property, the design of this property makes the environment of the property warmer and drier in Auckland winter season and cooler in Auckland summer season. Auckland is located in one of the lowest earthquake activity parts of New Zealand, so no worry about that the brick & tile structure residential properties could be endangered by this kind of nature disaster. Moreover this street isn't in flood zone area, so no worry about the properties in this street could be impacted by the winter season rainstorm. For details about this street, please go to www.relab.co.nz and search 20 Regia Close, Half Moon Bay

For photos, please go to https://www.neighbourly.co.nz/message/edit/29830136

homes day         



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