

你2月15号才选呢 着什么急


¨  A cover letter listing all the documents you have submitted
¨  Your scanned and signed Parent Category Expression of Interest form (INZ1202).
¨  Completed Parent Category Residence Application form (INZ1206).
¨  Completed Sponsorship form for Residence for applications under the Family Parent Category (INZ1024).
¨  Completed National Security Check form (INZ1209).
¨  Original or certified copy of your and your partner’s passports.
¨  Original or certified copy of your and your partner’s full birth certificates.
¨  Original police certificates for your and your partner’s country of citizenship and each country you and your partner have lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.
You also need to provide a photocopy of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau, accompanied by an official English translation. These should be no more than six months old at the time you submit your application.   Please ensure you send the correct police clearance - for information on how to obtain the correct police certificates check our website:
www.immigration.govt.nz/policecertificate; http://www.immigration.govt.nz/m ... ficate/cd/china.htm
¨  Completed medical and chest x-ray certificates for each applicant. These should be no more than three months old at the time that you submit your application. Please note: If you have provided a medical with a previous application within the last 36 months, you may not be required to provide another. If your previous medical had abnormalities, you will be requested to provide further information or a new medical with this application.  If the chest x-ray you provided is now more than 6 months old, you will need to provide a new one.
¨  Evidence of your partnership status.  Please ensure the evidence shows that you and your partner have resided together for more than a 12-month period.  You should include recent documents as well as historical ones to cover more than a 12-month period.  Evidence of common residence must include the name of the person the document is addressed to (joint or individual documents are acceptable), the address of the person, and the date of issue.  Evidence from third parties will be more useful, for example, utility bills (power, gas, water, internet, television, telephone), evidence of joint property purchase, banking records, insurance documents and post-stamped envelopes that have been addressed to you.

You must also supply the following evidence to support the claims you have made:
¨  Evidence of your relationship to your sponsor.
¨   Evidence of your sponsor's status in New Zealand. For example, please send a certified copy of their passport and current visa label.
¨  Evidence that your sponsor currently resides in New Zealand (e.g. his/her rates invoices, phone bills, payslips).
¨  Evidence you meet the English language requirements or confirmation you intend to pre-purchase ESOL tuition.
¨  Evidence of your sponsor’s income including the work certificate letter from current employer, payslips, bank statements showing regular wage payments, the most recent IRD summary of earnings (this can be downloaded from the internet) and IRD earnings information for the past 12 months.  If your sponsor's partner is also financially supporting the case, we will also need to see evidence of their partnership relationship covering more than 12 months.  If your sponsor is claiming income from a business, they will need to provide evidence of wages or drawings paid to their bank account, a copy of the business tax and accounts records, and a personal tax summary for the past 12 months.


出生公證 ,無犯罪公證 親屬公證



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