1. EOI了之后收到邀请信了,填好了表格寄到哪啊?父母现在人在中国。貌似邀请信里没说。。。2. 因为父母在中国,我可以帮他们代签表格吗?还是必须要邮寄回去,让他们亲自签字?
3. 申请表格最后一页 Application checklist 有一项 "I have attached passports or travel documents (the original
documents) for each person included in the application." 要把护照一起交上去吗? 如果申请一直不下来,父母也一直没法用护照么?
4. 因为是旧政策转新政策,还需要重新提交亲属关系证明,体检证明,出生证明这些材料吗?特别是体检证明,申请表理有这么一段
If you and your partner (if included) have submitted a medical certificate and chest X-ray certificate in the last
36 months you do not need to provide further certificates now, unless:
• you or your partner’s health status has deteriorated since your previous medical certificate was issued, or
• you or your partner have spent six consecutive months since your last chest X-ray certificate was issued, in a
country, area or territory not listed as having a low incidence of TB (see the leaflet Health Requirements (INZ 1121)
for further information).