我们也是自己开店的,没有给自己发过工资,雇了2名洋人员工,有给洋人员工每月打税纪录。 我们每年的收入只有在财务报表上才有体现。 这样是不是提供给移民局我们财务报表和个人交税记录就成了。因为我们没有给自己发过工资 ,所以也没有自己的工资单。
http://www.immigration.govt.nz/m ... comerequirement.htm
What types of income can be counted towards meeting the minimum income requirement?
The income must be obtained from:
sustained paid employment; and/or
regular self-employment; and/or
regular investment income.
When assessing whether the income obtained by a sponsor and/or their partner, is sustained and/or regular, immigration officers may consider, but are not limited to, such factors as the length of employment, terms of employment and the regularity of payments.
What evidence is required to be provided by sponsors to show the ability to meet the minimum income requirement?
Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement for sponsors may include, but is not limited to, original or certified copies of the following documents:
an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings; and/or
wage slips; and/or
a current employment contract; and/or
bank statements or any other documents from financial institutions.
How can I get an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings?
You can obtain your Summary of Earnings through www.ird.govt.nz/online-services/ ... ne-soe-request.html or call Inland Revenue Department (see your white pages for contact details).
There is no charge to obtain an Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings.