


工作签证 Application checklist
Information and documents you must supply Check
I have completed the application form.
I have signed the form.
I have provided the application fee.
I have attached passports or travel documents (the original
I have attached two recent passport-size photographs.
Applicants with a job offer. Tick the options that apply to you.
I have provided evidence of qualifications relevant to my job
I have provided evidence of work experience relevant to my
job offer.
I have provided evidence that I have met or am able to meet
any necessary New Zealand registration requirements.
Applicants applying under Work to Residence Instructions.
I have provided the relevant evidence listed in Section I: Work
to Residence Instructions.
Applicants applying under Essential Skills Work Instructions.
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section J:
Essential Skills Work Instructions.
Applicants applying under Study to Work Instructions.
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section K: Study
to Work Instructions (including Graduate Job Search Work
Applicants applying under Specific Purpose or Event Instructions.
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section L: Specific
Purpose or Event Work Instructions.
Applicants applying under Student and Trainee Instructions.
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section M:
Student and Trainee Work Instructions.
Applicants applying under Family Work Instructions.
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section N: Family
Work Instructions.
Applicants applying under Free Trade Agreement special work
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section O: Free
Trade Agreement special work instructions.
Applicants applying under Silver Fern Practical Experience Instructions
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section P: Silver
Fern Practical Experience Instructions.
Applicants applying under Religious Worker Instructions
I have provided all of the evidence listed in Section Q:Religious Worker Instructions.
Additional information and documents you may need to supply Check
I have provided evidence about my health.
I do not have to provide this evidence.
I am pregnant, intend to give birth in New Zealand, and have
provided evidence required in Section C: Your health at
questions C4 to C7
I do not have to provide this evidence.
I have provided evidence about my character.
I do not have to provide this evidence.
Immigration adviser’s details
I have received immigration advice on this application.
I have not received immigration advice on this application.

Covering letter - List all the material you have provided and draw the attention of your Case Officer to items that you want them to pay particular attention to.
This checklist
Application form - It must be checked, signed and includes any amendments. Two recent passport-sized photographs of each applicant attached to the form. Make sure that the details of all living parents, brothers and sisters of all applicants whether living in New Zealand or overseas are provided and the question in relation to “personal resources” under the Declaration section is answered.
Application fee – We recommend payment by Bank Cheque or Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) and supply relevant details as requested in the ‘Payment Details’ section of the application form.
Additional Details Form – A completed Additional Details Form for each applicant aged 17 years and over.   
Police Certificates - Original Police Certificates for all applicants aged 17 and over.  You must provide Police Certificates from all countries of citizenship and from any country where you have lived for 12 months or more in the last 10 years even if these are only a number of short stays which are collectively 12 months in total.  These certificates must be no more than 6 months old at the time that you submit your application. Please see page 9 of the guide (1105) for more information.
Principal applicant’s offer of skilled employment – (If claiming points for) Original or certified copy of your offer of skilled employment, including job offer letter, signed employment contract and full job description. Please also provide a letter from your employer stating your start date, position and continuing employment.
Current registration - (If applicable) Please provide evidence that you are registered with the appropriate New Zealand registration board.
Principal applicant’s qualifications – (If claiming points for) Original or certified copies of your qualification certificates. It is helpful if you also provide your academic transcript(s).  If you have claimed points for a postgraduate qualification you must also provide a certified copy of your undergraduate qualification. If your qualification is not obtained from an institution which is on our list of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment then you need to have your qualification assessed by the NZQA prior to lodging your application.  You will need to provide the International Qualification Assessment or Qualifications Assessment Report with your application. Please refer to www.nzqa.govt.nz and pages 12-14 of the guide for more information.
Work references – (If claiming points for) Original or certified copies of your work experience. These must include the exact duration of employment (i.e. the start and finish dates of your employment), the role you held with that company and the hours worked per week (especially for part-time employment). If self-employed you must provide a letter from your accountant to clearly state the number of years of your self-employment, together with financial statements to cover the years of your claim. See page 14 to 16 of the Guide for more information.
Partner’s skilled employment – (if claiming points for) You must provide the same information as detailed under “Principal applicant’s skilled employment”.
Partner’s qualifications – (If claiming points for) You must provide that same information as detailed under ‘Principal applicants qualifications’
English Language Ability – (If applicable) You must provide evidence that the English Language requirements are met.  See pages 34 to 36 of the guide for more information.
Medical and X-ray Certificates – You must provide a completed Medical and X-ray Certificate for all applicants included in the application. The ‘X-ray Certificate’ portion of the form does not need to be completed for children under the age of 11 years or for pregnant women.  Medical and X-ray certificates must be no more than 3 months old at the time that you submit your application. These forms can be completed by any registered General Practitioner in New Zealand. If any of the applicants are outside of New Zealand the forms must be completed by one of the panel doctors listed on our website.  
Evidence of Relationship – (if your partner is included in application) Evidence of currently living together in a genuine and stable relationship. If you are supplying letters of support from family or friends please ensure their full names and current addresses are provided.
Evidence of Custody – If the other parent of any accompanying child under 16 years is not included in your application for residence then you must provide evidence of your right to take the child permanently from their country of residence.  See page 22 of the guide for more information.
Evidence of Dependency – (specifically for those between 17 – 24 years of age) Evidence that the child(ren) are totally or substantially reliant on an adult.
Birth certificates – You must provide original or certified copies for all applicants included in the application.   Full birth certificates must include full name of both parents.
Passports – You must submit the original passport for all applicants currently in New Zealand.  For all offshore applicants you must submit certified copies of all pages of their passport.
Evidence of Close Family Support – (If claiming points for) You must provide evidence as outlined on page 17 of the guide.




1. 有效的护照或者护照的certified copy;
2. 技能移民申请表;"
4. 体检(体检有效期为3个月);
5. 无刑事犯罪记录公证(所在城市公证出)及无犯罪证明(户口所在地的派出所出,需翻译)(有效期为6个月);
6. 出生公证;
7. 亲属关系公证;
8. 有关学历的证明;
9. 如有工作担保,提供相应的证明(job offer附加job description);
10. 英文能力的证明;)
11. 如有配偶,提供共同生活关系证明(如:合照,join account,寄到同一地址的信件,朋友或者家庭成员的support letter);
12. 申请费NZD800,2007年7月30日后为NZD1400





所有材料你都可以交原件,如果你不想交原件必须太平绅士,或者律师,警察签字盖章。要交的材料你看我2楼的回复吧,建议你附加IRD SUMMARY,PAY SLIPS。还有学习历史写上学校名字,获得文凭,时间,学校联系方式,还有工作历史,单位名字,时间,工作职位,联系方式。



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