新西兰WTR 面试问题 (2010年 CHCH)


Employment Prospects for PA

How do you intend to use your skills in New Zealand ?
What do you know about opportunities to get work in you want to do in New Zealand?
What are your salary expectations?
What are the current labour market conditions like in the area you want to work in?
Do you have any industry contacts in New Zealand who could assist you in tapping intorelevant employment networks?
Have you applied for any jobs in New Zealand?  If yes, where?
Why were you not successful in getting the job?
Have you ever worked in a different location or taken up a new career in a different occupation?
What challenges did you face?
How did you deal with those?
Would you do anything different next time?
what barriers have you faced or do you think you might face in trying to get a job?
If you aren't successful in finding work you want to do, what would you do?

Familarity with New Zealand PA

What has motivated you to apply for NZ residence at this time?
What do you think will help you most to settle in New Zealand?
Have you been to New Zealand Previously?
If So, where did you visit?
Have you thought where you might live in New Zealand?
What attracts you to that area?
What does it cost to rent or buy a house in that area?

Linkages and support PA

Do you have any family and / or friends in New Zealand? If so, who and where.How often do you have contact with them?
What level of support do they provede you with?
What accommodation have you arranged for your arrival?
Tell me how will you find permanent accommodation?

Preparedness of partner/ Family SA

How do you intend to use your skills in New Zealand?
What do you know about opportunities to get work in you want to do in New Zealand?
Do you have any industry contacts?
What are your salary jobs in New Zealand?
If yes, where?
Why were you not successful in getting the jobs?
Have you ever worked in a different location or taken up a new career in a different occupations?
What challenges did you face?
How did you deal with those?
Would you do anything different next time?
What barriers have you faced or do you think you might face in trying to get a job?
If you aren't successful in finding work you want to do, what would you do?
How have you and your family been setting in New Zealand?
*Paid employment?
*Voluntary work
*Community activities

WTR 打到了一大片申请人呀。。。



新西兰关于rv转pr, 请问副申请需要和主申请一样要求满足居住要求等等一系列吗?这官网上也没说清楚啊。以前听人说副申请只需来新西兰一趟激活就行。请问有类似情况的朋友且已经申请过 ...



新西兰有学校可以接受从国内暑假7,8月来新西兰上一个月的课吗?短期课,谢谢 评论 我们语言学校有对接的中小学插班微留学,感兴趣请加linxiao1914 评论 北岸语言学校有推8月为期3周微留学 ...


Unitec 留学生出席率

新西兰那个unitec 说留学生的出席率要有100%,有人有经验吗?我以前在UoA是没有人问出席率的,unitec出席率不足真的会影响下次签证申请吗?还是他们只是吓吓你而已?求帮忙! 有人有unitec 的 ...



新西兰各位大侠 有个问题想咨询下 老人现在是5年多次 旅游签,每次6个月,目前在境内。 现在有两个说法,1. 每12个月最多6个月。如果想要多待就再提交申请旅游签,可以续3个月,同时之前 ...



新西兰申请新西兰签证费用将大幅度上涨 新西兰政府今天宣布,将于 2024 年10 月 1 日起提高签证费用(包括费用和征费)。 自10月1日起,新的签证收费将设定在适当水平,以收回办理签证的 ...


有几件Mt Albert Grammar 的校服 出售

新西兰Pick up in Sandringham, 也可以送给您!都挺新的,穿了还不到一年。需要更多照片请加微信DiDiDa1613, 有的照片传不上来。也可以联系电话0221082596. 衬衫 12号,$35 裙子 10号,$60 毛衣 Large, $70 ...



新西兰请问 新西兰入籍 如果一共在新西兰已住满1350天,且这5年中每年至少待满了240天。 那么,从第5年的第一天算起,当只要一旦待够240天,也就是说第5年第8个月后,是否就可以提交入籍 ...



新西兰你们这边有提供国内初中生暑假来新西兰上插班一个月的学校吗?谢谢 评论 插班一个月?体验生活? 评论 看来又一个想做游学的了~ 评论 我们什么学校都有,只要你有钱 评论 小学还 ...



新西兰国内客人想来这边体验一下大学课程,短期的1-2 周。或者零散的几天课程都可以。有哪位大神有资源可以合作吗? 0220506606. 评论 大学短期几天参加下课程真没有 要不读几周的语言?也 ...



新西兰可以提供奥克兰中区舒适的免费住宿,交换前提是每天清理卫生一小时和辅导两个孩子学习一小时。 理科生女孩最好,爱干净,喜欢宠物 联系微信13810811159 评论 按新西兰最低工资标准 ...



新西兰我本人是这个时间开学的,女生,想建个群咱们可以一起讨论租房、学习以及平时有时间一起出去游玩,感兴趣的伙伴们看过来,我微信fq135791113,加时麻烦备注下自己开学时间和专业哦 ...



新西兰Hi!我是一名中国留学生!我在中文论坛网上看到了少***火锅店的招聘信息,在两三小时的无薪使用后我被manager录取了。应聘要求是在试用期给我远远低于新西兰法定最低工资现金:1 ...