新西兰孩子(Dependent child)
我想办我在国内领养的女儿(3岁)到新西兰来同我一起生活, 给她办PR.
同负责Dependent Child的移民官通了电话,
移民官要这边的法律材料. (the original or certified copy of the Notice of Adoption Order from your home country (国内收养证元件及公证件已经办好).
- , along with documents that show your adoption order has the same effect as a New Zealand adoption under section 17 of the Adoption Act 1955.
Evidence that an overseas adoption meets this requirement includes:
a ruling from a New Zealand court
the New Zealand Immigration Service processing officer’s assessment, where there are clear precedents for the country concerned.
), 移民官没有告诉我到哪里做这个材料.
问: 找谁办理? 途径是什么? ( 已经找了一个所谓的移民中介办理, 花了300纽比, 什么都没有办成)
请高人指点. 感谢