姐姐跟姐夫的家庭最后一个成员申请今年2月时分到了CO,Isabella Cai,四月份要求姐夫复检,国内做的体检,只知道是丙肝,当时医生说不严重,不用吃药什么的,问题不大.补交体检报告后一直没消息,昨天发了EMAIL问下情况, 说可能给医疗系统带来负担,具体内容在下面, 请问有什么办法,能写个保证书, 不花政府的钱什么的吗,想法好像有点天真,但真的不想就这样放弃.
I am writing in relation to your application for a residence visa which was lodged on 15 October, 2008.
I have received information that may be prejudicial to the approval of your application. This information is as follows:
We have received medical information that may be prejudicial to the approval of your application. The further medical information and Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate that Mr Wu XX provided was referred to the Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor on 22 April 2010.
The Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor Panels' opinion is that Mr Wu XX is unlikely to have an acceptable standard of health.
The Medical Assessor has stated the following (a copy of the Medical Assessor's comments is also enclosed):
Chronic Hepatitis B. Hep Be Antigen negative.
ALT upper Limits of normal
Likely pre core mutant form of disease
Relatively high probability will meet NZ criteria for anti viral treatment. Present costs- $ 400/month ( entecavir) + $ 1700/ annum for monitoring
Treatment long term
Treatment unlikely to impair ability to maintain employment
Treatment avoids potentially life threatening / expensive complications of Chronic Hepatitis B
The Medical Assessor also stated on the assessment report that:
My medical opinion is that the applicant is likely to impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand's health services during their period of intended stay in New Zealand. There is a relatively high probability that the applicant's chronic recurring condition(s) over the course of the conditions will require health services in New Zealand costing in excess of $25,000.
Because this information may affect the outcome of you application, this letter provides you with an opportunity to comment on it. Any comments you wish to make must be received no later than 26 August 2010.
In your response you may provide us with a further medical opinion, or opinion from a suitably qualified profession. Any further opinion you provide to us will be referred to the Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor Panel for a further assessment. Please ensure that all information provided has been translated into English.
Any further opinion you provide to us will be referred to the Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor Panel for a further assessment.
If the Medical Assessor confirms their earlier opinion you will be advised of this and your medical certificate and any associated or additional reports will be referred to a second Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor for their opinion. The opinion of the second Immigration New Zealand Medical Assessor will be final.
Failure to respond to this opportunity within the specified time will result in a decision being made on the information currently held.
Please note, you must inform Immigration New Zealand of any relevant facts or change in circumstances that may affect the outcome of this application.
If you have any queries please contact the National Call Centre on 0508 558855 or 09) 914 4100 (if you are in New Zealand), or your nearest Immigration New Zealand branch (if you are outside New Zealand) and quote the application number recorded at the top of this page.
Hepatitis B 乙肝。找专家写信吧,在叫你姐夫注意点饮食,把ALT也降下来。你也可以搜一下我的帖子,里面有我们体检的全部过程。
good luck.....
6# Micky