新西兰question abt dietitian!!
为什么我在massey上关于human nutrition的info看到的说需要5年相关的工作经验才能拿到registration dietitian( After five years working in a nutrition-related occupation, graduates can apply to the Nutrition Society of New Zealand for professional accreditation as a Registered Nutritionist. If successful, they can append the title RegNut(NZ) after their names.)
单手我去dietitian newzealand 的网站 上说只要完成master degree of dietetics就能去添registration的表格,然后就是intern dietitian 然后等 ANNUAL PRACTISING CERTIFICATE (APC)就是正式的RD 也没有说要5年的相关工作经验? 那我到底要看哪个好呢?到底需不需要5年才能拿到RD呢?各位大神求救!!!