很多人都很关注到底National Qualification 和New Zealand Qualification 的区别是什么。看到本栏目大家的讨论,都很迷茫,为此详细查看了一下关于学历的定义,大家也可以作为参考。
http: //www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications/index.html关于学历的详细信息建议大家参考这里: http://www.kiwiquals.govt.nz
下面的内容全部来自NZQA网站上对两类学历的定义,两个学历本身从级别上没有区别。最大的区别就是National Qualification 和New Zealand Qualification的成绩标准和课程设置不同。
National Qualification主要是依靠且只依靠National Qualifications Framework上的Unit Standards(暂时翻译为单元)所设置的课程,每个Unit Standards所占的学分从1-20不等甚至更高,Unit Standards从Level 1-8不等,暂时没看到有9的。有超过18000个Unit Standards 和800个学历叫National的在NZQA的学历框架下。也就是说,不同的学校可以从18000个Unit Standards中选择创出来自己特色的120个学分课程。在NZQA 800 个 Qualifications Framework 上的]National Certificates and National Diplomas[/url] 的课程设置是完全不同的。从评分标准方面:只分为Completed or Not Yet Completed,过与不过只分,缺没有优良中差的评级。对于大学来讲通过学生的成绩很难分辨优秀学生和只刚刚符合通过便准学生的区别,以上这些就是为什么National Diploma 往大学或者其他以Papers为框架的课程中比较难得原因,这就是为什么学生从National Diploma in Business 往New Zealand Diploma in Business转学分过程中,不同的学生读不同的学校申请转学分时有着不同的标准。
再谈New Zealand Qualification, New Zealand Qualification 主要是以New Zealand Diploma in Business为典型的商业课程。这类New Zealand Qualification的设置类型主要参考于ITPNZ(The Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand)大学的PAPERS培训设置。培训内容并非从National Qualifications Framework中选择,而是有限的独立的内容和大纲,并由NZCBS国家商业委员会提供行业建议,由NZQA管理和维护培训大纲和课程体系。以每个PAPER 20 Credit设置。共39个PAPERS,含8个专业,从39个Papers中完成12个Papers,240个学分。 其中6个为必修课程,6个为选修课程设置,专业涵盖:http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications/tertqual/dipbus/prescriptions-list.html 会计,市场,经济,法律,电脑,旅游,管理,银行金融,等方面。NZQA设定了Guidelines on Credit Transfer and Unspecified Credit 2006作为大学接受NZIPBUS转学分的指南。因此,每所大学和理工院校根据转学分指南设置相关的转学分标准。部门院校,象奥大http://www.business.auckland.ac.nz/comwebContent/index.cfm?fs=pgv&pageid=8283,要求学生完成相关课程才可以转学分。
总之,课程方面不分什么好与坏,学历方面也不分好与坏,只分你是否能够学的好与坏,当然学校和中介还是有很大的责任和义务给学生正确的指导和帮助。至于学生谈到National Diploma的IELTS要求问题,我个人觉得学生如果从一个Level 5 或Level 6的学历毕业,应该具备相应的IELTS水平。 而不能只是因为IELTS上面没要求或以后往大学转学分而选择NEW ZEALAND DIPLOMA.不少学生都是希望毕业后找份工作,或拿到个PR 再回国发展,其实不管那里,无论自己做老板还是给人打工,都需要在社会的平台上施展自己的能力。所以学习方面,还是现在辛苦一点,以后轻松一点。 千万不要只是根据移民局的政策而忽略自己的兴趣。你的选择很难总是赶上政策的变化,过去几年的政策调整,大家都亲身经历了,移民局和新西兰需要的是学生不断的读,有稳定的收入,能够留下来。而反而为了移民而读书。不管你是即会修车,看孩子,种菜,或者又会做饭,还会修电脑,等等, 但,半途而废对你来说总是一个损失, 还是踏踏实实的学习,有了良好的英文基础,培养自己的能力,根据自己的兴趣找一份稳定的工作,有了一个稳定的收入。这才是你自己和父母所期望的。
以下格式有点乱 ,那位班长有空修改一下。 下面有所有引用连接。
The term National is restricted to qualifications based on unit or achievement standards, or qualifications that have components for which there is automatically transferable credit. The term New Zealand is available for non-unit standard based qualifications of national standing.
On the National Qualifications Framework there are more than 18,000national standards and 800 National Certificates and National Diplomas covering almost every area of work and learning。
Providers of National Qualifications Framework qualifications are awarded "accreditation" to offer the components that make up a National Certificate/National Diploma.
The terms National Certificate and National Diploma can only be used to refer to national qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Trade and business qualifications NZQA also administers the following trade and business qualifications.
- Advanced Vocational Awards (AVA) qualifications - New Zealand Certificate in Engineering and Technicians' Certificates)
- New Zealand Diploma in Business
- Trade qualifications
- Industry examinations
NZQA and NZDipBusThe New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is the owner of the NZDipBus. The roles of NZQA in relation to the NZDipBus are to:
- establish and maintain the regulations for the qualification
- maintain a national database of results for NZDipBus papers, and to issue result notices to students on request
- maintain national records relating to NZDipBus graduates and to issue NZDipBus certificates as requested
- develop and maintain prescriptions for NZDipBus subjects
- manage the national external moderation system
- service the NACBS. The National Advisory Committee for Business Studies (NACBS) The NACBS consists of nominees from national business, industry or professional organisations that recognise and support NZDipBus as a qualification (the "user groups") and nominees from national organisations of educational institutions that are accredited to offer NZDipBus courses ("provider groups"). Members may also be co-opted to the committee.
The NACBS advises NZQA on all matters relating to the qualification. It meets, typically, three times a year.
View the NACBS Terms of Reference.
The ITPNZ Business Co-ordination Forum The Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand (ITPNZ) convenes a forum comprising the Heads of Business Faculties in polytechnics, the Business Co-ordination Forum (BCF). Other organisations (including NZQA) are also invited to send a representative to meetings of the BCF.
The BCF discusses matters relating to NZDipBus from the perspective of providers, and meets two or three times a year.
Specific activities of the BCF include:- acting as a national forum on NZDipBus matters
- undertaking projects in relation to NZDipBus which have national significance
- preparing reports for presentation to the NACBS on matters relating to NZDipBus.
The NZDipBus regulations allow for credit recognition and transfer from other qualifications. Credit transfer rules and guidelines are in the document opposite.
In addition, people with the required knowledge and skills (gained through workplace experience, for example) may be credited with NZDipBus papers as a result of an assessment of prior learning. Contact your local NZDipBus accredited provider for more details.
Credit transfer to degrees A number of providers offer exemptions from the initial stage(s) of a business degree to the holder of a NZDipBus. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand recognises the NZDipBus as fulfilling the academic requirements for admission to the College of Accounting Technicians provided that an applicant has included specified papers.
National and New Zealand qualifications The following criteria apply to the use of the terms 'National' and 'New Zealand' for qualifications on the Register.
- The use of both terms is restricted to approved qualifications developed by qualifications developers who can demonstrate that their development process has involved and has had the support of the appropriate nationally recognised bodies related to the subject title and major content of the qualification.
- Both terms are restricted to qualifications that are available for any provider to offer so long as they are appropriately quality assured in line with the qualification developer's and quality assurance body's requirements. The qualification developer will be involved in moderation processes concerned with achieving consistency in assessment towards the qualifications across multiple providers.
- The term National is restricted to qualifications based on unit or achievement standards, or qualifications that have components for which there is automatically transferable credit. The term New Zealand is available for non-unit standard based qualifications of national standing.
- have a clear purpos
- be internally coherent
- recognise broad transferable and generic skills as well as specialised industry and professional skills
- have clear indications of entry and exit points for intended graduates
- meet obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi
- specify quality assurance requirements pertaining to its delivery and attainment (including appeal provisions)
- provide an indication of its relationship with other qualifications
- document clearly and openly the above and statements of what people are required to attain to be awarded the qualification. Qualifications should not prevent someone from doing something that they are capable of doing because of their gender, ethnic origin, disability or unreasonable cost.
A new National or New Zealand qualification should also be significantly different in terms of outcomes being certified from any other National or New Zealand qualification at the same level.
Levels There are ten levels involved in a qualification - 1 is the least complex and 10 the most. Levels depend on the complexity of learning. They do not equate to 'years spent learning' but reflect the content of the qualification (for more details view the level descriptors). Levels are still being added to some qualifications.
Providers and QABs consider where the components of the qualification reside against the levels. The Register criteria set minimum credit and level requirements for each type of qualification. It is possible for a qualification to include credit achieved at levels above and below the level of which the qualification is registered.
Qualifications on the Register are registered in accordance with an agreed set of title definitions:

Qualification overview [tr] New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) [/tr] [tr] Number [td]9003 [tr] Subject/Classification [td]Business Management [tr] Organisation [td] 61 Organisationscan assist in gaining this qualification [tr] Qualification type [td]Diploma [tr] Level [td]Not specified [tr] Credit [td]240 [tr] Entry requirements [td]Applicants under 20 years of age must have a minimum of: 14 numeracy credits at level 1 or above in Mathematics or Pangarau on the National Qualifications Framework; and 50 credits at level 2 or above with at least 12 credits in each of three subjects, including a minimum of eight literacy credits at level 2 or above in English or Te Reo Maori of which at least four credits are in reading and four credits are in writing; or the equivalent of the above. The literacy credits are to be selected from a schedule of approved achievement standards and unit standards available at here. International students for whom English is not their first language, must also have an IELTS score of 6.0 (academic) with no individual band lower than 5.5, or TOEFL score of 550, or equivalent evidence of English language proficiency. [tr] Outcome statement [td]The New Zealand Diploma in Business is a nationally recognised qualification that allows students to gain a broad range of general business skills and knowledge followed by an opportunity to focus on career related options such as accountancy, banking, management, (...more details) [tr] Qualification developer [td] New Zealand Qualifications Authority [tr] Quality assurance body [td] Approvals Accreditation and Audit [tr] Content [td]Students are required to complete six of the seven core prescriptions - Accounting Principles, Introduction to Commercial Law, The Economic Environment, Organisation and Management, Business Communication, Fundamentals of Marketing, and Business Computing. (...more details) |
Qualification overview [tr] NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Business (Level 6) [/tr] [tr] Number [td]0784 [tr] Subject/Classification [td]Business Business Management [tr] Organisation [td] 15 Organisationscan assist in gaining this qualification [tr] Qualification type [td]National Diploma [tr] Level [td]6 [tr] Credit [td]120 [tr] Entry requirements [td]Not specified [tr] Outcome statement [td]This qualification recognises advanced business skills, knowledge and competence required for people to undertake business operations, planning, coordinating and supervisory roles in the workplace. The qualification builds upon the skills and knowledge and (...more details) [tr] Qualification developer [td] NZQA National Qualifications Services [tr] Quality assurance body [td] New Zealand Qualifications Authority [tr] Content [td] ![]() ![]() |

[ 本帖最后由 可爱多 于 2008-2-25 09:49 编辑 ]
的确,最近特别多的学生问,National Diploma 与 NZDB 的区别,这个帖子解释的非常清楚,建议精华! 呵呵