我签证7月6号到期 奥大的人说要6月23号才可以交续签材料 我是打算6月回国的 在6月23号之前赶回来交东西, 想知道我回来的时候签证还有2星期过期的话,入境会有困难吗?谢谢!
People who do not meet the requirements for a visa or entry permission will be referred to an immigration officer who may refuse entry. Such people include, but are not limited to:
people with expired travel documents or no travel documents; and
people with no visa, an inappropriate visa or an expired visa; and
people with insufficient funds and no sponsorship; and
people with no outward ticket; and
people previously refused entry to New Zealand; and
people who do not meet the bona fide applicant requirements; and
people who fail to apply for a visa or entry permission