

由于我想明年进2月份奥大的商学院~!所以这半年我想读一个diploma可以转进去~!原本中介说的是读NZIM~学校是NZIOS~!但是我听了很多朋友的话之后我虚了~!都说NZIOS不好~而且奥大可能还不认~!我现在最担心的就是最后可能学习成绩都没问题~大学最后不认~不让进奥大~!转学分我觉得~能转就转~不能转也不强求~!但是我是必须要进奥大啊~!这么多私立diploma我该读哪一所啊...还有...我是读NZIM就行啊...还是得读NZDB啊...还请大家给点建议啊~!很着急的...大家要是有什么意见也可以直接给我短信也行~!我的手机号儿:0220612345~!叫Vincent Lee~!学校的托儿就不要留言了~!我现在这里谢谢大家了~!

NZDB 转奥大指南[官方资料+翻译]
转自 奥克兰官方网站
If you have completed the NZDipBus with a B grade average you will gain entry with up to 120 points of credit towards the BCom or BBIM degree or 75 points towards the BProp, based on a B grade pass in approved courses (see table below).
如果你完成nzdb+成绩在B以上,你最多可以转8门 15point的课程到BCom 相当于梅西的BBus,或者转到BBIM (一般本科都是15一门,特别是stage 1),或者转到BPorp(和房产有关的 )
NB With less than a B grade average you will be considered for entry but will not be eligible for credit.
但是如果你没有平均b grade,你可以申请,但是不能转学分
Domestic students who have an incomplete NZDIPBUS with a B grade average over the set of NZDipBus courses studied will be considered for entry into the BCom, BBIM or BProp but will not be eligible for credit.
本地学生,如果没有完成nzdb 但是有平均b 的成绩,可以申请BCom, BBIM or BProp,但是不会被转学分。
Please note: Further information about admission criteria for international applicants is available on request.
但是我刚打了电话给 buiness department,回复如下 国际学生需要读完NZDB才可以转

To be eligible for credit the NZDipBus must be completed with an overall B grade average.
Credit of a BCom or BProp course requires a B grade pass in NZDipBus course(s) as listed:

BCom or BProp course    NZDipBus course

ACCTG 101                     NZDipBus 202
Accounting Information

ACCTG 102*                    NZDipBus 100 and NZDipBus 101
Accounting Concepts

COMLAW 101                 NZDipBus 110
Law in a Business Environment

ECON 101                       NZDipBus 120 and NZDipBus 220

MGMT 101                      NZDipBus 130
Organisation and Management

INFOSYS 110                 NZDipBus 250
Business Computing or Business  Information Systems

STATS 108                     NZDipBus 160
Statistics for Commerce

http://www.calendar.auckland.ac. ... business/acctg.html

* Some restrictions apply. Please refer to the Business Student Centre for details.
ACCTG 102 这门课,需要拿你学的课程信息去具体咨询。

Credit of BBIM course requires a B grade pass in NZDipBus course(s) as listed:
这个是转到 BBIM的
BBIM course                                             NZDipBus course

ACCTG 191 and ACCTG 192                  NZDipBus 100, NZDipBus 101and NZDipBus 202
ECON 191                                                NZDipBus 120 and NZDipBus 220
STATS 191                                              NZDipBus 160
下面是奥大 商科本科学位的介绍
http://www.business.auckland.ac. ... Gprospectus2009.pdf
需要adobe reader才能看
1 课程内容介绍
2 课程作业的安排
3 评分的标准
4 课程所需要的课本


Admissions and credit
Q. If I transfer in from another programme will I be eligible for any credit?
A. If you have successfully completed courses or programmes at a recognised tertiary education institution you may be eligible to apply for credit towards the BCom, BBIM or BProp. Note however that credit will only be available for courses that fit the requirements for the specific programme. Due to the integrated structure of the BBIM curriculum credit towards the BBIM will most likely be at first year level only. It is important to seek advice about transferring between programmes as early as possible. Further information is available on request from the Business and Economics Student Centre.

Q. How much credit will I receive if I have previously studied and completed an undergraduate degree at either The University of Auckland or another New Zealand University?
A. You will be eligible to cross-credit up to 120 points. The exact amount of credit will depend on whether the courses you have studied are similar to those offered within The University of Auckland's BCom, BBIM or BProp degrees.

Q. If I transfer in from another New Zealand University, how will I know what else I need to do to complete my degree?
A. If you choose to transfer in with a partially completed undergraduate qualification you can apply to credit most, if not all of the courses you have passed, as long as they fit the requirements for our BCom, BBIM or BProp. Usually we require any student who wishes to obtain a University of Auckland degree to complete at least one third of the degree at The University of Auckland, including the advanced courses within the major.

Students seeking credit are advised that they will need to support their application with the following information:
certified copy of academic record
statement about the degree or diploma structure
statement about the grading system
detailed syllabus or course outline for each course studied. (This should include a statement of the content of the course, the number of teaching hours, titles of prescribed textbooks and method of assessment.)
evidence of English language ability, if applicable.
Once your application for credit has been processed, you are encouraged to discuss your programme plan with a student adviser.

Q. Do the same conditions for cross-credits and transfer credits apply to me if I have studied at an overseas University?
A. If you are a graduate with a completed or partially completed overseas degree from a recognised institution, your application for transfer credits or cross-credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. It is important that you include all the information requested with your application.

Q. Is it possible to gain entry in to the BCom, BBIM or BProp from the New Zealand Diploma in Business? If so, will I receive any credit?
A. If you have completed the NZDipBus with a B grade average you will gain entry with up to 120 points of credit towards the BCom or BBIM degree or 75 points towards the BProp, based on a B grade pass in approved courses (see table below).

NB With less than a B grade average you will be considered for entry but will not be eligible for credit.

Domestic students who have an incomplete NZDIPBUS with a B grade average over the set of NZDipBus courses studied will be considered for entry into the BCom, BBIM or BProp but will not be eligible for credit.

Please note: Further information about admission criteria for international applicants is available on request.

To be eligible for credit the NZDipBus must be completed with an overall B grade average.

Credit of a BCom or BProp course requires a B grade pass in NZDipBus course(s) as listed:

BCom or BProp course
NZDipBus course
ACCTG 101        NZDipBus 202
ACCTG 102        NZDipBus 100 and NZDipBus 101
COMLAW 101        NZDipBus 110
ECON 101        NZDipBus 120 and NZDipBus 220
MGMT 101        NZDipBus 130
INFOSYS 110        NZDipBus 250
STATS 108        NZDipBus 160 * Some restrictions apply. Please refer to the Business Student Centre for details.

Credit of BBIM course requires a B grade pass in NZDipBus course(s) as listed:  
BBIM course
NZDipBus course
ACCTG 191 and ACCTG 192        NZDipBus 100, NZDipBus 101and NZDipBus 202
ECON 191        NZDipBus 120 and NZDipBus 220
STATS 191        NZDipBus 160






奥大对学校和成绩是有要求的。 读NZIM 是没有办法入读奥大的。奥大必须读完12门NZDB 或是超过6门加ielts。 LZ 可以来找我们详细的了解




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