新西兰GE english needs writing fiction???
我下学期也选了那门课。。。听一个Kiwi同学说要写很多东西= =各种类型的。。
Who told you that?
Yeah, it is true that you will be expected to write lots of essays, but there wont be a fiction or a novel. Nobody gets time to read your thing because there are so many students. If nothing changed, you will be asked to write four essays in your semester as course works and one exam including two long essays. It is a great course, I think, because it helps you to understand the structure and principles of Enligsh/ Academic writing. I believe I learned a lot from this paper, particularly as an international student.
So, good choice and good luck as always!!
Absolutely not for ENG121G.
What you need to do is to write some short paragraphs during tutorials. For the exam, you will have to prepare to write an essay in response to the article of your choice.
I think so, as long as you put effort into it. I forgot, not A+ but not low either. I need to check my SSO first. This paper was done many many years ago......... (Getting old, shit!)