Grafton campus在造房子,builders全部都停在附近导致学生根本没车位停,而且他们也不给停车费。
实在无聊,咨询了city council
之前发过一个帖子说,只要在车上贴Fletcher, Vector, Construction 等免费停车方式现在得到证实咯`
以下为city council回信, 可以刊出不单单是造房子的,还有不少车辆都是可以免费停车的,比如送货的等,而且我在给city council的信中问的很清楚说不是造房子用的卡车等而是员工的普通家用车能不能免费停车,回答也是肯定的。
Thank you for your feedback regarding Builders and Contractors parking in the CBD.
Auckland Transport issues Essential Services - Parking Permits for organisations that carry out regular work essential to the effective running of our city. It allows personnel to park close to the required location in order to carry out work.
Who qualifies for this Parking permit?
The following vehicles and activities are eligible for a Parking permit:
Response services vehicles - maintaining and / or repairing Auckland's energy, water and phone network
Goods and services vehicles - where regular delivery or pick up of goods are necessary to keep businesses operating
Construction vehicles - maintaining or repairing Auckland's roads, footpaths and buildings
Exceptional service providers - delivering or collecting medical supplies or providing medical advice or treatment to people in their homes
Inspection staff vehicles - investigating noise, graffiti, animal or environment complaints. Security firms carrying out investigations from calls received. Bio-security inspections
Auckland council or transport maintenance staff vehicles - maintaining or repairing plant life, streetscapes and any other council or transport assets