

There was once upon a time I went to the shanghai expo site. The Chinese pavilion was still open and crowded with tourists. The queue for getting into the Chinese pavilion was 3 hours long. Other closed pavilions filled in loneliness and some were under demolishing progress.

I decided to not queuing up for an indoor ticket and wasting 3 hours. Instead, I just looked at the Chinese pavilion behind its fence, from far away.

I also visited some other pavilions, which now is quiet, covered with dust, protected by steel fences, and waiting for demolitions. There was hardly anyone around them apart from a few cleaners and construction workers.

I felt the experience of expo site visit were different from all my other architectural trips. I do not know how should I express or appreciate those buildings. They have been isolated by the security fences, separated from the rest of city and sealed off with the expo boundary. The planning, or design, or security control is properly closed the building from any possible ways of communicating with people. The pavilions are not part of the urban environment of shanghai city nor even fit into their surroundings.

The pavilions are fancy, rare, and cool in terms of their appearance, looking awesome on their own. They do not serve any general purpose of the city or their citizens. The pavilions are built on the urban surface, but do not belong to the urban contents.  pavilions are the legend of tourism, attracts many travelers from the whole China as well as all over the world.

The pavilions are sculptures, but not architecture. Architecture belongs to a city, enriches its urban content, and serves the general interest of a group of people. Architecture is classified by daily life and culture. Even through sculptures and architecture sometimes shares the same effort, time and craftsmanship.  Sculptures also have its linkage to city, people and culture, but merely providing an expression of them.  However, it lacks the essential value of communication between the city and people.

在世博会的建筑群被拆光之前, 我承身在上海之便去了一趟。 中国馆还开着, 吸引着成群结队的游客,他们有自己来, 有旅行团,组成了黑压压的一片。进去中国馆里面的排队有3个小时之久。景象与世博园其他安静的地方形成鲜明的对比。很多关闭的会馆孤独等待着自己拆迁的命运。

铁栅栏排成的去中国馆的排队通道, 绵绵长长上千米。我是在没有勇气去加入栅栏后黑压压一片的排队的人群, 经历三个小时进入馆内。透过中国馆绵长的铁栅栏,可以看到它的样子。

我去了其他关闭的世博馆。 它们沉浸在寂静和中国特有灰尘覆盖中, 也用铁栅栏围着, 偶尔会看见世博园的建筑工或者清洁工在旁边工作着。

世博园的行程完全不同于我的其他建筑旅游, 这里的建筑物让我不知如何该去感受他们, 也不懂可以评论他们的方式。 它们孤立了我的存在, 远远的坐落在高高的铁栅栏后面。 世博园的圈地把他们隔在了上海城市的外面。 它们位置的规划, 设计, 和现在的保全控制都完美的把它们和人分开了。世博馆们并不属于上海城市, 也不与它们周围的环境相互融合。

世博馆的外形是奇特的, 罕见的, 夺人眼目。 每个都独立着炫耀着自己的形象和他们建筑师的辉煌。 它们不会在功能上去服务于城市的任何需要, 也不会给城市的居民提供任何帮助。 世博馆们虽然建于城市表层, 却不在城市之中。世博馆与世博园是旅游业的英雄, 它们吸引着全国各地, 乃至全世界的旅行者前来观看。

世博馆是雕塑一样的建筑物, 本身却不是建筑。我不知如何用中文区分Architecture and Buildings, 但建筑属于一个城市, 它可以丰富城市的内容, 为一个城市的人或者人群或者普通大众服务。 建筑大都是一个城市本地的生活与文化的产物。当代主义建筑, 雕塑和建筑的界限越来越模糊, 它们可以有一样的设计理念, 花一样的建造时间, 用一样的制作工艺。 雕塑也可以和建筑一样, 成为城市的一部分, 形式也代表了城市的人文与生活。 但是, 雕塑只能是用有限的外观去表达这种文化与生活,不能替代建筑的地方在于它们并不能成为城市生活的一部分。

其他关闭的世博馆。 它们沉浸在寂静和中国特有灰尘覆盖中, 也用铁栅栏围着, 偶尔会看见世博园的建筑工或者清洁工在旁边休息或者工作着。 Some other pavilions, which now is quiet, covered with dust, pro ...

铁栅栏排成的去中国馆的排队通道, 绵绵长长上千米。 把它放在中国城市的任何地方都会有同样的效果。 它不能体现上海本地的生活。 The steel bars guiding the long queue to the inside of Chinese pavilion. ...

这条路体现了上海城市的面貌, 代表了上海人的生活。 它是城市的一部分, 是上海生活的一部分。 The street represents of daily city life of shanghai. It is part of the city. It is life of the city.

its 2 totally different atmosphere, the pavilions are design to a scale that is not human-scale, it is not connect to people apart from it jst being an attraction to go once in a yr, prob even once in a lifetime. while the street, its essential part of human life, people go there becoz they need to and want to, its vibrant with urban life, all design to human-scale that is not too large (like the pavilions) or small for people to feel uncomfortable
the enclosure of the street by the building and the barrier from the road, compare to the open nature seen in the pavilions, you feel much more comfontable to occupy within the street, while u feel lonely outside the pavilion, u feel bored and doesnt want to stay there



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