

在新西兰喜欢户外运动的中国人真的很少,国内现在大把的户外爱好者。新西兰这么好的资源不参加简直浪费哈。AUTC就是Auckland University Tramping Club,Tramping就是Hiking。我已经加入了,有兴趣的去www.autc.org.nz看看吧,一年会费$25,经常有出去徒步的活动,一个周末也就花费40-50。






大家快加入哦,3月5日至6日那个周末是本年度开学后的Orientation Trip,每年都是这次活动人最多,一般都有70-80人参加,去西区Waitakere Range徒步两天,有几条不同难度的线路可以选择。

Date and Time:
5 Mar 2011 - 8:30am - 6 Mar 2011 - 6:30pm

The Plan:

meet outside the General Library (Alfred St)at 8.30am on Saturday  get on the bus by 9am (don’t be late—we
can’t wait!). The bus will drop us at the northern end of the Waitakere
Ranges and we split up into groups for a range of trips to the hut,
where we will usually arrive around mid afternoon. We play some silly
games, prepare dinner (with all that food we’ve carried in) and the
party continues until late. On Sunday morning we get up eventually,
clean up the place and tramp a few hours down to iconic Piha beach to
swim, relax and wait for the bus. Back at Uni around 5pm.

remember to bring 2x packed lunches (for Sat+Sun), 1 breakfast (for sun
morning) and some snacks for the tramps. A full gear-list is attched at
the end of this email.
The tramp itself :

We will arrive at a part of the Waitakares
called the Cascades where we will all disembark and gear up and
distribute group food to carry in for the dinner that night (please
leave space in your pack for approx 1kg of food).

We will all then split up into smaller groups for a range of tramps into our splendid club hut.
The tramps will be (with multiple groups for each grade)
* easy/medium grade
* hard grade
* stream bash  -see note below if you are keen.

Once you reach the hut, first, unpack your group food and give it to
someone in the kitchen, and then we will head off for an optional swim
in Pigs Wallow Stream a short walk away which has a nice pool for

**The stream bashes are great fun but if you want to come they
requires a little preparation.  Basically, expect to get drenched (this
is a walk/swim in a stream after all!).  You will need to know how to
swim and your pack must have a pack liner with all your gear inside.
Dry bags also come in very handy for things which really don't like
water (like cellphone, camera, wallet, your lunch etc).
On the Sunday we will once again split into groups for a similar
range of tramps out to Piha beach, once again including a stream bash
for those that are keen.

The Hut (Ongaruanuku):

Has basic things like water (but not much), toilets (the classic
long-drop) and mosquitoes. No showers or electricity. No muddy boots
are allowed inside.
Pack-in, Pack-out:
You will be expected to
carry in around 1kg of group food —so leave a gap in your pack for this.
Additionally you are required to carry out all your own rubbish—so
think carefully about what you take.
Two other notices- important!
1) In the last
few years the Phytopthora disease has begun to attack the New Zealand
kauri, New Zealand's largest and longest-lived trees. The disease has
already reached many of the last remaining patches of kauri forest,
including, unfortunately the Waitakeres. As trampers we have a special
interest to doing what we can to preserve NZ's wilderness for ourselves
and future generations to enjoy, therefore we will be getting everyone
to wash and disinfect their boots upon entering and leaving the
Waitakeres. We will provide the materials for this. Thanks!

As mentioned earlier in the email, on Sunday we will be walking out to
Piha beach. Please be aware that Piha is a surf beach, and that people
can and do drown here. If you are not confident in the water, this is
not the place to try to learn! If you do go into the surf, remember to
always swim between the flags, and not go out of the depth at which you
are comfortable.

Gear list:

Must bring;
-waterproof raincoat
-sturdy boots or shoes
-warm woollen jersey or polyester fleece (with no cotton)
-sleeping bag
-sun hat and sun block
-drink bottle (at least 1.5 litre)

-bowl, cup, knife, fork and spoon
-personal medication
-toiletries and toilet paper
-1 breakfast, 2 lunches and snacks for yourself
-a pack with some form of waterproof pack liner
-shorts(fast drying)
Recommended List;
-torch / headlamp
-extra warm clothes for comfort
-beanie / warm hat
-togs/ swimsuit and towel
-a few plastic bags (supermarket bags or similar) are always handy
-cards etc

-some extra money for ice creams etc at Piha, there is a store at the beach
-tent, if you have one or can borrow one-there are a lot of us!

Sign up at the orientation stall in o-week!

Rosanna and Georgia , AUTC Socials Officers 2011



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