新西兰年底不回国,学广告和市场的同学来看看. 一个难


Inviting all future Marketing & Advertising stars!!! Excellent career opportunity ahead!!!

Come and be part of the beginning of something BIG!

Who we are

Coupon Direct Ltd is a brand new company which helps promoting businesses towards specific target audience. We do this through a very unique way; we call it location marketing. This is a new way of marketing. It is new in Auckland, even in New Zealand! Cases from overseas (Russia, Spain, U.S., Australia etc) prove this works. We will work with clients and develop a suitable plan to help their business to generate leads, make more sales, and make their business more successful! The other side of our business is to work with our clients in different industries and provide end-users like you and me with good deals. We help people to save money in things like entertainment, outdoor activities etc.

Who we are looking for

Experience is not important to us. We are looking for people who passionate about marketing and advertising. We are a new business; we can learn and develop ourselves together. In fact, if you don't have any experience, it is easier for us to equip you with the most effective tools of selling.

People who are looking for opportunity. Again, we are not advertising a job here. This is an OPPORTUNITY. See this as a project that we work together. We understand money is important for most people. For this project, there will be NO money involved at the very beginning stage simply we don't expect to earn any in the first couple months. However, once this starts working, you should be earning some decent money that is more than a normal part time job.

Here is some basic quality that you should have in order to fit in this business: out-going, happy to meet and talk to people, confident, able to speak fluent English is a must.

Minimum effort required is around 10 hours a week. Preferably people who will stick around for long term. This is good for you too. You don't want to do all the hard work at the beginning and let someone else to take easy money as you left.

7 years ago when the business owner was a university student, he was searching for opportunity that can develop him a career. All he could find is some basic level part time jobs e.g. cleaning, door to door researchers. Now here is the chance for you to make a difference! Take up this opportunity and be part of something BIG!

To take up this career opportunity please send your CV and a brief introduction to:

[email protected] before 5pm Friday 26th November.

Strictly email ONLY. NO phone calls please.
We thank your interest in advance; people who are qualified for this opportunity will be contacted by phone. If you don't hear us before mid December, please apply again next time.

谢谢各位已经发了CV的同学. 我们在截止日期之后会给合适人选打电话.

继续招人和做这个 project, 大家踊跃报名

Hey, i was wondering when would i require to start work if i get in? thanks.   :)

Hi there,

We are looking to get this started early December. thanks

最后一周. 大家踊跃报名

最后两天. 大家抓紧时间.



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