

Event: World Habitat Day Lecture Series - Shanghai World Expo Presentation & Panel

When: 12:00-1:00 pm, October 13 (Wednesday)

Where: Conference Centre Room 340, Building 423, 22 Symonds St, Auckland

6 minutes video play (Shanghai World Expo official promotion video)

15 minutes presentation (by delegate from New Zealand Association for the Promotion of Shanghai World Expo)

40 minutes panel discussion (6 panellists)

Who: Mr. Barry Hung from New Zealand Association for the Promotion of Shanghai World Expo and


Raymond HUO

BA, LLB (Beijing); LLB, MLitt (First Class Honours, Auckland)

MP of Labour Party, New Zealand

Lisa Li

Bachelor Degree in Shaanxi Normal University, Master of International Business in University of Auckland

General Manager, China Travel Service (NZ) Ltd.

Jerry YANG

Postgraduate majoring in System Engineering in Dalian Naval Academy, China

Director & Chief Editor of The United Chinese Press

Prof. Dory Reeves

BA(Hons) Durh., MA PhD Sheff., RTPI, ANZPI

Professor and Deputy Head of School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland.

Daniel Harrison

Event Organizer of Auckland City Council

Martin Lawes

Chairman of Takapuna Community Board

Questions for panel discussion

What is the most memorable thing from your visit to the Shanghai World Expo 2010?

What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the Shanghai World Expo 2010? (1 and 2 can be combined together)

The theme of the Shanghai World Expo 2010 is “Better City, better Life”. Has “Better City, Better Life” been achieved through the Shanghai World Expo 2010? (In your opinion, what is the relationship between the two key terms “City” and “Life”? – optional question)

Do you agree that we need a “Better city” to have a “Better life”? Or vice versa?

What can we learn from the event and apply to our Rugby World Cup next year?

From the presentation, we know that one third of the overall building area of Shanghai World Expo is composed of old manufacturing buildings that have been rebuilt. In the context of Rugby World Cup 2011, how do you perceive the two sheds on Queen’s Wharf? Do you think it is an opportunity for rebuilding or change?

Are the physical and social infrastructures in Auckland sufficient for the Rugby World Cup 2011?

Chinese Government has used the Shanghai Expo 2010 as an opportunity to promote Eco-friendly transportation and green building design. For next year’s Rugby World Cup 2011, what do you think the New Zealand government can learn from the Shanghai Expo? Is there a possibility to adopt global warming as a global threat and turn it into an opportunity to develop nation’s “Green economy”?

Organized by:

Claire Speedy

Ira Iskandar

Ning Huang

Jack Wong

Roslyn Cheong

http://www.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/ho ... item.jsp?cid=325105

Shanghai World Expo 2010: Better City, Better Life?  (Other University events)

13 October 2010

12noon - 1pm

Venue: Conference Centre Room 340, Building 423, 22 Symonds Street

Contact: For further information please contact Ning Huang, email [email protected]

Website: www.auckland.ac.nz/whd

For over a century, world fairs have given visitors a taste of the future and the progress of human societies. The Expo 2010, Shanghai, follows this historic legacy by being inarguably the most expensive Expo in the history of World fairs with an estimated 70-80 million visitors during its run. With a makeover of $45 billion USD - more than what was spent on the Beijing Olympics, its theme ‘Better City – Better Life’ aims to cement Shanghai’s emergence as the ‘next Great World City’ and offers a glimpse of a greener future. With the United Nations praising Shanghai’s efforts towards organizing an environmentally-friendly event, one could wonder about the sustainability issues involved with its extravagant creation and operational scale, and the impact it would have on the city’s 20 million residents and beyond here in Auckland.

A panel has been put together to discuss a range of sustainable-focused topics, from a detailed take from Shanghai’s eco-friendly strategies, to Expo’s influential nature in Auckland and possible effects it has had on the planning of the Rugby World Cup in 2011.

This is a great opportunity to attend a presentation made by some of the Expo’s delegates, and engage with some of Auckland’s most prominent members of the public.

Raymond Huo, (BA, LLB (Beijing); LLB, MLitt (First Class Honours, University of Auckland) - List Member of Parliament for the Labour Party on the Law and Order Committee, current Chairman of the Kiwi Asian Development Forum, and Trustee on the Asia NZ Foundation Board. View www.asianz.org.nz

Daniel Harrison - Event organizer in the Auckland City Council, member of the steering committee of the Asia NZ Foundation Young Leaders Network, and participant in the New Zealand Leadership Institute Future Leaders Programme. View www.asianz.org.nz

Professor Dory Reeves, (BA (Hons) Durh, MA PhD Sheff, RTPI, ANZPI) – Deputy Head of School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland, and focal point for the UN-HABITAT and the University of Auckland’s partnership. View www.creative.auckland.ac.nz/architecture

Martin Lawes - Chairman of the Takapuna Community Board. View www.northshorecity.govt.nz/Pages/default.aspx

Jerry Wen Yang - Director and Chief Editor of the United Chinese Press. View www.ucpnz.com/

Lisa Li (MIntBus) - General manager of China Travel Service (NZ), Secretary General of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand. View www.chinatravel.co.nz/



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