新西兰World Habitat Day 2010 at The University of Auckland, NZ


All Students from New Zealand are welcome. It's not only a event for University of Auckland. It's for the whole world.

Join us on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=156121834398111amp;ref=ts

This year's World Habitat Day will take place on the 4th of October. The theme "Better City, Better Life" highlights a vision of a sustainable urban world that harnesses potentials and possibilities, mitigates inequalities and disparities, and provides a home for people of all cultures and ages, both rich and poor - according to Anna Tibaijuka, former ED of UN-HABITAT.

As a partner to UN-HABITAT, The University of Auckland will celebrate World Habitat Day 2010 with a week of activities open to staff, students and the public.

You are invited to participate in our activities happening all around campus, and find out about what University of Auckland can offer you on all things sustainable!


World Habitat Day 2010 Photo competition

What does ‘Better City, Better Life’ mean to you?

As World Habitat Day approaches, now is the time to grab your camera and take some inspiring photos that speak to this year’s theme: ‘Better City, Better Life’
...Think about current global and local urban challenges to the three pillars of sustainability: equity, ecology and economy, and get clicking!

Send us your photos and be in to win!

To encourage public participation on this day, we are launching a photo competition around this year’s theme, ‘Better City, Better Life’. Participants of this competition will generate a creative photographic response to the following question:

What does ‘Better City, Better Life’ mean to you?

Contestants are invited to submit a photo with a relevant caption or title highlighting their interpretation of this theme. For example you might want to think about global or local urban challenges to achieving the three pillars of sustainability: equity, ecology and economy. Other ideas to consider include issues of waste, poverty, housing shortage, overcrowding, public transport, accessibility, renewable energy, public space and so on. Now it’s over to you! So get your thinking caps on and get out your cameras.

How to enter

1.        All entries should be sent via e-mail and in JPEG format to [email protected]
c.nz. The organizer will notify the contestant upon receipt of the files.

2.        Images should have a minimum width and height of 864 pixels and at least 150 DPI resolution and be less than 2 megabytes.

3.        Contestants are required to include the following details when submitting their entries via email: First name, last name, email address, contact phone number. Please also include your status (student, staff member, member of the public) and current field of study or employment.

4.        Contestants may enter a maximum of three entries.

5.        Entries should be submitted to [email protected]
c.nz no later than 5pm on Wednesday 29th September 2010 (NZ time). Selected entries will be printed and displayed for public viewing at the NICAI Student Centre, Level 2, School of Architecture and Planning, 26 Symonds Street for at least two weeks from 4 October 2010. Winners will be announced at a prize giving on campus on Wednesday 6th of October.

Photo competition conditions and guidelines

1.        All students and staff at The University of Auckland are welcome to take part in the competition. Members of the public are also invited to submit entries. Members of the Judging Panel are not eligible to enter the photo competition.
2.        Participants are free to use all photographic techniques available them but must be the creator of the photo or work submitted.
3.        Contestants are held accountable for the authenticity and ownership of the work they present to the competition.
4.        The organizer of the event holds the right to use and print photographic entries for promotional purposes in line with the University’s involvement in the HPU Network. In addition, The University maintains the right to reproduce photographic entries in its brochures and publications and in other formats, both electronic and print such as postcards, posters and CDs in conjunction with the University’s commitment to sustainability or its partnership with UN-HABITAT.
5.        All entries submitted will be loaded onto the World Habitat Day 2010 at The University of Auckland, NZ facebook page so they can be judged for the People’s Choice Award.
6.         All entries must include a relevant caption or title (maximum 30 words). This should be attached to the photo.
7.        The decision of the panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
8.        Winners qualify for one prize only.

Judging criteria

1.        Thematic relevance to World Habitat Day and to the subject of the competition will be given primary consideration.
2.         The level of creativity used to illustrate the subject of the competition including technique and aesthetic quality, will also be taken into consideration.
3.        A copy of each entry will be reviewed by a judging panel. Winning entries will be selected by a Judging Panel comprised of staff and students at The University of Auckland.
4.        The People’s Choice Award will be awarded based on the most popular image as voted through facebook. The public will be able to vote on an image by ‘liking’ a specific image. Voting will close at 12 noon on Tuesday 5th October and results will be tallied by members of the Judging Panel.
5.        Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on Wednesday 6 October 2010. Successful entrants will be notified by email prior to that date.



One 12-month membership to the University Recreation Centre, valued at over $300.
Donated by The University of Auckland Recreation Centre.         

A $100 voucher to be redeemed at Gordon Harris, The Art and Graphic Store.
Donated by Elam School of Fine Arts.         


A copy of Māori Architecture: from fale to wharenui and beyond by Deidre Brown.
Donated by the National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries.         

PEOPLE’S CHOICE PRIZE (as voted on facebook)
A $30 voucher to be redeemed at Borders.
Donated by iSPACE.         

Sincere thanks from the World Habitat Day Working Group to all sponsors listed above who generously donated prizes for this year’s photo competition.

To kickstart a week of events to celebrate World Habitat Day at The University of Auckland, the International Office is leading 'A Home for All Cultures' - a day of creative
expression to celebrate cultural diversity on campus.

You are invited you to take part in a collaborative painting event in the Quad on 29 September. Participants will paint on a 3 metre high by 11 metre long Pacific style Tapa cloth to represent their homel...and in the form of symbols and colours.
This will then be on permanent display at The University of Auckland.

A big thanks to Resene, proud sponsor of the event.

To raise awareness of the University’s global connections and its role of providing a distinctive international educational environment, the International Office will be launching the week’s activities with ‘A Home for All Cultures’, a collaborative painting session with artistic contributions from ELAM School of Fine Arts’ students, the Māori and Pacific communities, international students from the University’s overseas partner institutions and academic staff.

The event will provide an opportunity for an open cross-cultural dialogue in the form of creative expression to honour the cultural diversity of the campus and greater Auckland City community.

World Habitat Day reflects on the state of our cities and
the basic right of all humans to adequate shelter.  It is also
intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility
for the future of the human habitat. In the spirit of this
day, A Home for All Cultures serves to honour the cultures
of all of its peoples represented on campus which contribute
to the culturally diverse population of the Auckland City

Bring along your creativity and your ideas for cultural expression and get painting!

For more info, contact Kathleen Kramlinger at [email protected]
z or by phone on 373-7599 ext 84202



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