新西兰(zt)Top ten mistakes to make when attending a class


10 Take a phone call  during class
    If you take a phone call during  class, I'll ask you to leave the room. At the start of the class I  always ask for phones to be on vibrate and to step out if you have a  call. I don't mind people walking in and out a few times to take calls -  it's very hard to put me off when I'm teaching. But talking on a phone  in class (apart from saying 'hold on a sec while I go outside') is just  antisocial and inconsiderate. Don't do it.
    If a phone rings during class, I'll  start to dance. Everyone laughs. I'm letting you know that we all  realize you totally ignored the instructions about phones that everyone  else adhered to.
    And if you *make* a call during  class, expect no mercy. I've had this happen once. After he came back in  from making the call, and at the next break, I went over and explained  how incredibly rude that was and he could choose to stay in the class  without his phone or leave. He stayed.
    9 Sit at the back and  do email/surf and then ask questions
    There's one person in every class  like this - who surfaces every so often and asks questions about stuff  we just covered. My response is usually something like "we just covered  that ten minutes ago, read the slides and let me know if you have  questions". If you can't get it together to pay attention, at least  check where we are in class before asking questions that tell everyone  else you've been doing something else and are now wasting their time.
    8 Persist with a  tangential rat-hole
    While laying out the ground-rules  of the class at the start, I talk about how questions are excellent, the  whole point is that you're here to learn, but that long discussions  about your particular situation will have to go to the break, lunch, or  after class. And I mean it. Classes are carefully planned to have a  certain percentage of question and discussion time (some more than  others) and so if you're going on and on about something that's not  relevant for the rest of the class, you'll need to wait to monopolize  the instructor's time when it's not everyone else's time too. I've  actually had to say "ok - stop talking about that now, we have to move  on with the class". Most often these people are really trying to do #1  below.
    7 Bring your smelly  lunch into the classroom
    Everyone will hate you.
    6 Come to a class  where you don't understand the language it's being taught in
    I struggled over whether to include  this one, but it has to be said. Don't come to a class where you can't  understand the language it's being taught in. I speak English,  reasonably well :-), and I make a point of speaking clearly and explain  things in a concise, unambiguous way. If I'm teaching a class in the US,  the UK, or any other English-is-the-first-language country, I expect  that students in a deep technical class about an engineering topic, with  lots of arcane terms and the need for precision in explanations, are  able to understand the language. I know there are a lot of ESL  (English-as-a-Second-Language) folks in these countries, but if you come  to a class with a bunch of other people and ask me at lunch on the  first day to speak a lot slower and with smaller words because you don't  understand English very well, the answer has to be no. I'm not being  inconsiderate, you are. On the other hand, if I'm teaching in China, for  instance, I'll seriously go out of my way to speak slowly and avoid  language complexities and colloquialisms as that's the totally different  audience.
    The MCM has a prerequisite that you  have to understand English really well before being accepted on the  course, as it's fast-paced and deeply technical. A couple of ESL folks  have fudged that requirement, come on the course, and failed because  they couldn't keep up. It's really not fair to everyone else to have to  slow right down for one person in a face-to-face class.
    That's the most controversial of  the mistakes I wanted to list, but I stand by what I've said. I'm not  against ESL students in any way - many of the people I teach inside  Microsoft are ESL - but you have to have a certain level of proficiency  in the language the class is being taught in to be able to keep up. I've  had people in classes that knew so little English they couldn't even  ask a question I could understand - and I'm very patient and usually  able to understand most people.
    5 Come to a class  without the required experience and knowledge
    Most classes list the detailed  agenda and the prerequisite knowledge, if applicable. This is so that  you can gauge whether you're qualified to take the class. Don't come to  an advanced class on disaster recovery and ask how to take backups using  SSMS, or come to a workshop on performance tuning using wait stats and  ask what an index is. You wouldn't send someone who can't swim to a  class on cave diving, or send a freshman medical student to a symposium  on endovascular aneurysm repair techniques, would you? So don't take a  SQL class that you're not qualified to understand. You will end up a)  not being able to follow the class and getting frustrated b) asking  really basic questions that annoy the rest of the class and the  instructor.
    Oh, and by the way, reading a book  about SQL Server doesn't remotely equal having experience as a DBA - so  if you simply read a book to pass a qualification, you're doing yourself  and whoever employs you a disservice.
    4 Don't take notes
    If you really want to learn, take  notes about what gets drawn on the whiteboard and salient points of what  gets discussed. That's why we give you a printout of the slides - so  you can take notes on them. This may be more necessary with some  instructors than with others - our slides are pretty dense so you can  follow the story when reading them later (but that's a whole other  discussion...) If you don't take notes, you'll forget things. And if you  ask the same thing several times because you didn't note down the  answer the first time, you'll really piss off the instructor. I had a  class earlier this year where someone asked me the same thing 4 times  over the course of 3 days. I was not happy, and I made sure it showed  the last time by starting with "you've already asked me that three  times..." as it was beyond ridiculous.
    3 Ask questions to  try to make it look like you know more than the instructor
    You don't look cool. You look like a  fool. Everyone is rolling their eyes at you, but you just can't see it.  Yes, really.
    Every so often I'll have someone in  a class who wants to prove to everyone that they're very clever and  know more than everyone else, and really doesn't need to be in the class  because they're so smart. 100% of the time it's a man. There's nothing  to be gained from trying to one-up the instructor. If you succeed, you  may sit back all smug, but everyone else is thinking 'jerk' (or worse).  These kinds of questions are usually about really narrow scenarios, or  deep internals, that are beyond the scope of the class and most often  the tactic fails, which makes the questioner more frustrated and ask  more questions...
    Invariably this leads to #2...
    2 Argue that the  instructor is wrong
    Cardinal sin. If you think the  instructor is wrong there are two correct ways to express that opinion:  1) say something along the lines of seeing different behavior in some  circumstances, which leads to a nice discussion where everyone can agree  and the instructor can explain he can't remember everything with a  smile 2) come up to the instructor at the break to discuss it. Never  accuse the instructor of being downright wrong in front of everyone. If  you do, you'd better be 100%-absolutely-sure-beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt  because one of two things is going to happen: 1) you'll be proved right  and everyone will think 'jerk' (or worse). Or, and this is much, much,  much more likely, 2) you'll be proved wrong, become embarrassed,  frustrated, and angry and everyone will think 'jerk' (or worse).
    Arguing obnoxiously is not the way  to win friends and influence people, or to endear you to the class and  the instructor. Most often the instructor is there because he or she  knows way more than anyone in the class about the topic at hand - which  is the whole point, so it's unlikely that they're wrong. It does happen,  people are not infallible, but point it out nicely. And be really,  really sure you know who you're arguing with before you start - pay  attention to the two minute bio at the start of the class, because  that's the explanation of why the instructor is qualified to teach the  class, and what their expertise is. Every few classes I find myself  arguing with someone about how DBCC works, or what allows the log to  clear, or this or that and very occasionally I have to resort to one of  the trump cards, which I hate doing, by saying "I'm sorry, you are wrong  - I wrote that code", or "I'm sorry, you are wrong, I designed that  feature". That sucks because I feel like I'm being arrogant. Sigh.
    1 Come to class  looking for "the answer"
    There's one of these people in  every class, who simply wants to know "how to index for *this* query" or  "the *best* backup strategy". I like to joke that the answer to every  question about SQL Server is "it depends!", with one exception: "should  auto-shrink be enabled?". That's because there are no hard and fast  answers - the answer really does depend on the circumstances. A good  instructor does not teach answers, but instead teaches methodologies,  theory, and background information, along with real-life examples of  applying all of those so that you can find the answer for yourself, and  even pass along the knowledge to your team/company. There's no point  just teaching the answer, because what happens next week when you have  another question? If you don't understand how the first answer was  derived, you'll be stuck again and no better off for attending the  class.
    I see this over and over and it's depressing.
    Ah - that's better. If you avoid  doing all these things then you'll have a great learning experience and  the atmosphere in the classroom will be conducive to being a sponge to  the fire-hose of information. If not, then now you know why the  instructor is looking at you disdainfully...
    This turned out to be a lot longer than I expected. Now,  don't take this the wrong way - I *really* love teaching, which is why I  do it so much, so I'm not  being a jerk saying all of this - I expect that when you come into a  class, you come to learn. I don't expect you to disrupt things for the  other students, and disrespect me as the instructor. I guarantee you  that everyone reading this who's ever been an instructor has agreed with  everything I've written above.
    Don't be that person.






7 Bring your smelly  lunch into the classroom

thank you so much...........



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