新西兰【只要$3000】 2005年丰田Toyota IST! 奥克兰看车!
* Car For Sale *
Model: Toyota IST (5 seater)
Year: 2005
Color: White
Mileage: 20w+
WOF: 22/03/2025
Rego: 17/02/2025
Price: $3000
- Super fuel economy: 1.3L, there is O/D overdrive button.
- Petrol 91
- Hatchback
- Transmission: Automatic
- There are some appearance defects (scratches and defects), which came from the previous owner.
- The back seats can be reclined for more storage.
- Accessories included: Mini trash bin, Car bluetooth FM transmitter, Phone holder
- Chain timing belt
- Services is done regularly, new drive belt was changed few months ago.
- Car available in: Flat Bush
If interested please pm me.
* 回国卖车 *
车型: Toyota IST(5座)
年份: 2005
颜色: 白色
里程数: 20w+
WOF: 22/03/2025
Rego: 17/02/2025
价格: $3000
- 超级省油:1.3L低排量,适合日常通勤,我也开去很多地方趴趴走,超速也有O/D(overdrive)档按钮,超车时提速超好用
- 91 Petrol
- 大容量:后排座椅可以放倒,可以放更多的东西,很适合1-2个人用
- 外观有剐蹭瑕疵,是上个车主那买来的时候就有了,但是完全不影响驾驶体验
- 随车赠送:车载手机支架、车载USB蓝牙接收器、小垃圾桶
- 定时做保养、几个月前刚换小皮带
- 看车:Flat Bush