新西兰#### 2018 Toyota hiace 丰田海狮面包车 柴油2.8
2018年 丰田 海狮 2.8 涡轮柴油机 6速自动挡(手自一体) 13万5千公里 6座(后排有安全带,座椅可以翻折收起来成工具车)新款 1GF-FTV 柴油引擎,其实就和二驱的海拉克斯一模一样的动力链。 诚心卖,加微信看图。 非常适合 木工 工地 快递送货之类的 或者家用都可以。
2018 Toyota hiace 2.8 Diesel engine, black 15" steels. This van has the late model 1GD-FTV hilux motor with 6 speed automatic gearbox. it's traveled 135k km and has 6 comfortable seats and huge space at back. This is price very well at $28000.
Bought this car for a camper project.
Now plan move to Aussie and lose interest.
Surplus for me.
Toyota hiace diesel van will last forever.