

比较郁闷,三周前在 GREEN LANE CCS 某大车行买了台欧洲车,不过不是新车


刚买3周 放心吧。。车行一定给你修好的。。。尤其CCS这种大车行。




放心吧 新西兰的消费者法 CGA里面有明确规定的。他们必须给你修的。什么都不用担心。

Here's our guide to your rights if a car deal goes wrong.

If you buy a new second-hand car from a dealer, you have rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act and the Fair Trading Act. The general effect of these laws is to help ensure that you are not misled about the nature of the vehicle you buy, and that it is of acceptable quality (taking into account its age and the price you pay for it).

Buying from a dealer

Under the Motor Vehicle Sales Act (MVSA) all car dealers must be registered.

Any person who holds themselves out as being in the business of motor vehicle trading, or who sells more than six vehicles or imports more than three vehicles within a twelve-month period, is considered under the law to be a motor vehicle trader and must be registered (unless they can show the sales or importations were not done for gain). This includes car fairs, car consultants, car auctioneers, and online car sales services.

Dealers who trade without being registered face a maximum fine of $50,000 for an individual or $200,000 for a company.

You can check if a dealer is registered or banned at the Motor Vehicle Traders Register website or by phoning 0508 668 678.

A registered motor vehicle trader will guarantee consumers "good title" to a car . This means they can legally sell the car and you will not be liable for any debts hanging over it, unless those debts were specifically pointed out to you in writing. This protection does not apply if you buy privately.

Every vehicle sold by a trader must have a warrant of fitness less than one month old. If it doesn't, the seller must obtain from the buyer a written undertaking that (i) if the car is sold without a warrant, the vehicle will not be used until a warrant is obtained; or (ii) where the warrant is more than a month old, the buyer accepts this.

Consumer Information Notice

A dealer is required to attach to every motor vehicle displayed for sale a "consumer information notice" (CIN). There must be a link to the CIN if a trader is selling used cars on the internet. A private seller at a car fair or using a display for sale operation must also display a CIN.

The information that must be disclosed in the CIN includes:
The name and business address of the dealer.
Whether the dealer is a registered motor vehicle trader, and if so the dealer's registration number.
The cash price of the vehicle, including GST and any registration and licensing costs.
Whether any security interest is registered over the vehicle.
The year in which the vehicle was manufactured or the manufacturer's designated "model year" or the year of first registration (for motor vehicles registered before 1 January 2007). For vehicles registered after 1 January 2007: the year of first registration anywhere in the world.
The make, model, engine capacity and fuel type of the vehicle.
The year in which the vehicle was first registered in New Zealand, or if the vehicle is a used import, the year it was first registered overseas.
The odometer (distance travelled) reading, or a statement that the odometer reading is or may be inaccurate.
Whether the vehicle is recorded on the motor vehicle register as having been imported as a damaged vehicle.
Whether the vehicle has a warrant or certificate of fitness and is registered, and the dates on which these expire.

If you buy the car, you must be given a copy of the CIN.

If a vehicle is displayed without a CIN, or the information on the CIN is misleading, you can complain to the Commerce Commission. The commission can prosecute for breaches of the Fair Trading Act. If you buy the vehicle and then discover you were misled you may be able to take action yourself under the Fair Trading Act.

When things go wrong

Your first step is to discuss the problem with the trader. Traders have to comply with both the Consumer Guarantees Act and the Fair Trading Act.

If the problem isn't serious, the trader can choose what remedy to give you. They can either fix the problem, or replace the vehicle for free. They have to act within a reasonable time.

If the problem is serious, ie you wouldn't have bought the vehicle if you had known the fault existed then you can choose whether to accept a repair, a replacement or a refund.

If you and the trader can't agree, get an independent written report on the fault, and what it would cost you to fix, from a qualified specialist, like a mechanic. You will have to pay for this report but you can then work out what remedy you can claim.

If the trader still won't help you, you have two options: to take a case to the specialist Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal (MVDT), or use a regular Disputes Tribunal.

You should also make sure you have available any material relating to the sale of the vehicle (for example, the CIN) and any subsequent work you've had done on it (inspection reports, and so on).

Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal

The MVDT is run by the Department of Courts. There is a $51.11 fee for taking a claim to the MVDT. The hearings are in private and you can't be represented by a lawyer - although you can consult a lawyer before the hearing.

There are time limits for going to the MVDT so make sure you take action as soon as possible.

The MVDT will ask the dealer to discuss the problem with you. If the problem isn't resolved to your satisfaction, the Tribunal will set a date for a hearing.

The MVDT can hear claims up to $100,000 (or more if both the parties agree).

The MVDT can order remedies available under the Consumer Guarantees Act, Fair Trading Act, or the Sale of Goods Act.

For example, under the Consumer Guarantees Act you may be able to claim a refund, or require the dealer to meet the cost of repairs. Where there has been a breach of the Fair Trading Act, you may be able to claim for any resulting loss of value.

To contact the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal:
Ring them on 0800 367 6838
or write to them at PO Box 6848, Wellesley Street, Auckland.

Disputes Tribunal
You also have the option of taking a claim to the standard Disputes Tribunal. However, the Tribunal can only hear claims up to $15,000 (or $20,000 if both the parties agree).





我在该车行购2nd手车10多天后发现问题,可以修但不肯退货。我考虑可能是车框架变形的问题,只好在修复后traded it in. 损失惨重。

至少有1个月-3个月保修的 快去找车行吧。。。这质量也太差了。。


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