新西兰大家来发表下各自对07年BMW M Sport 335i 看法 这车好





好车好看 大爱m 系列

经典e90里的战斗机,还是m-sport的~帅气又有力~ 楼主还在等啥呢~赶紧娶回家吧!!!

可以的 速度‵

车重,价格还贵。费油,容易出问题。3万块钱可以买09年低公里数的Type SP 370GT Coupe(顶配)呢!完暴335..335,说实话就是给消费不起M3的人备的车。。。

好車,只要你不怕他的HPFP 有問題的話.!

如果乖乖的不把他 JB4,可能沒問題的.我的N54 就是上了JB4, 沒幾個月, HPFP 就死了.


運氣~ 運氣~






你确定 370GT 能完爆 BMW 335   ?????  不要秀你的智商下线,行不?   谁有药,快拿来。


除了HPFP的问题外,公里数高的N54还有carbon buildup的问题,LZ也得注意


335 Performace 绝对好,反正这个价位的车都会买机械保险。




其实HPFP的更换在有机械保险的情况下换下不是特别贵,只不过米国有用户报换了3次仍然出问题的状况 相信是极个别的案例。我感觉不改的话出问题的几率没传说中那么高,而且这个问题有很多初期表现比如怠速不稳 打火不顺畅等等 都是可以尽早解决的。有兴趣读读就明了。

“1. What are the possible symptoms of HPFP (High Pressure Fuel Pump) failure?

- Your car has long crank (it will take longer than usual to start the car) repeatedly and/or
- You're driving on the freeway and the 1/2 engine light (malfunction engine light) comes on. You could still drive the car home. Sometimes, the 1/2 engine light disappear the next day but you do need to take it in. If the dealership is nice enough, they will test and depend on the result, they will go ahead and replace the HPFP for you. Other dealerships won't touch it if they said "No HPFP code was found". YMMV.

The 1/2 engine light could come on for different reasons: injectors, spark plugs, coilpacks, whatever else but if you have a combination of 1/2 engine light and long crank, it is your HPFP. At least that's what happened to mine.

The 1/2 power indication can be lit by a myriad of engine systems. Everything from HPFP (and other fuel related issues), to VANOS solenoids, to a kink in a Turbo vacuum line. It is not the best indication of HPFP failure.

The 1/2 light will be reset by shutting off the motor. If the the problem still exists, then 1/2 indication will relight within a few moments or when the problem reappears.

Service Engine Soon (SES) almost always accompanies an HPFP failure. (Out of 4 pumps - only one time the SES didn't light on me. In that case, the pump was working, the problem was that it was leaking fuel) A solid HPFP failure has the ECU bypass the pump and shuting off the turbos. The fuel controller instead sends the fuel directly to the injectors. The reason why the engine is shaking/running rough - only low pressure fuel is supplying the cylinders.

2. How many miles on the car when HPFP failure could happen?

I've seen 500 miles, 1,200 miles, 62 thousand miles, who knows. I'm not a psychic teller.

3. Which MY HPFP has failed the most?

Based on reading from this fantastic forum, 07 and 09 MY. Yes, someone will say I have a 07 and still on original pump so what gives? Who knows! As of 12/25/09, MY 2010 users also reported HPFP failures.

4. Which brand of gas I should stick with?

There is no telling. People who had Shell only or Chevron only, HPFPs still fail.

5. Is there a permanent fix for this?

There is a well known shop who's working on a better pump. There is no telling when this pump will be available. Search is your friend. When it comes out will it work better? Who knows!

6. Is tuning the cause of HPFP failure?

There were threads swear that HPFP failure is not tuned related as there are folks who did not have tunes, HPFP still failed. You make the call.

7. Could HPFP failures continue after 3-4 replacements?


8. With the HPFP failure like this why you guys/gals still have the car?

- BMW extends the warranty to 120k miles. The replacement takes only few hours and you're good to go. As of 12/21, MY 09 and 2010 users have not received letters to state the same extended warranty for 07 and 08 MY users.

- Can't afford the lost to trade in for a different car plus everything else is more expensive and who knows the other brands don't have issues?

- Can't find another the car that could drive/handling this good and still is affordable with the luxury for the Jones.

-under California (and possibly other states), if the HPFP is replaced 3 times under original car warranty, your car may qualify for a "buyback" under the California Lemon Law. Google search gives details.

As of January 2010, 09 MY will have the same 120k miles warranty for HPFP. See http://www.e90post.com/forums/showpo...9&postcount=96

9. OK sounds good, if I decide to keep the car, is there anything I could do to prevent it from happenning?

Not really. But if you own a high 40k's or 50k's car, you should get a BT scanner for a few hundreds. Scan your car to see if it generates any HPFP code. However, mine did not generate any HPFP code (long crank, 1/2 egnine light came on) but the dealership replaced it and i'm back on the road.

10. As of November 2009, BMW has given another try to improve the high pressure fuel pump in the N54 engine. The last/old part number for the HPFP ends in 881.

The new HPFP part number is said to end in 943.

There is no data and no other information as to what this pump fixes or doesn't fix.

Updated: The new pump that ends with 943 is no longer made by Bosch. It is made by Continental. As of January 22nd 2010, dealership will still have to use all the old pumps that end with 881 before 943 could be used. There is no telling if 943 will fix the issue for good as it was released in November 2009. You could also order the new pump from Tischer.

From historical data (getting from insider  ), the fuel pump, that was made by Bosch, normally goes out after 40,000km. Bosch provides pumps for both, at least, BMW and Mercedes. We will have to see if Continental pump will have any improvement.

There might be possibly a second recall as both Bosch & Continental are about to pay both Mercedes and BMW for the failing pumps. Cars with Novemember 2010 build dates should have the new pumps that end with 943. It sounds like, no real proof/evidence, 943 will be the fix as several testings were done.

11."What should I do if I experience any of the symptoms you described in Question #1?"

Answer: don't waste time posting about it or talking about it -- take it to the dealer ASAP to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

12. Has anyone contacted NHTSA and what was the result?

Yes. NHTSA already has a case opened and they continue to monitor this issue.

13. Has anyone filed a lawsuit against BMW?

Yes. http://www.scribd.com/doc/17233560/Bmw-Law-Suit-Hpfp

Here is another one in California http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news0...12/ca_bmw.html

More lawsuit update posted by Quist:

Some more information about the legal actions for this problem. Here is the name of the attorney for the class action. Contact them if you have any questions or to tell them what problems you have experienced with the part and getting repairs.

All owners/lessees in the United States are Class members. This is a Nationwide Class.




09年,同年份,四万公里好啦!type sp,brembo刹车,多三十多匹,车较轻一些。370gt coupe三万差不多拿下了吧!skyline质量可靠性比起宝马没话说吧!335很多进来都需要换fuel pump什么的。而且特容易坏。油耗市区至少19个油左右吧,高速上也要去到13左右吧!踩的话就更不用说了吧!370GT油耗什么的,保养费用,现在在纽西兰买的性价比,买家买来之后心里的踏实感,绝对不亚于335的performance,都是5秒左右的车吧!335我说心里话没什么太多感觉的车,内饰做工,很一般,可能刚接触车的人对它有好感吧!车比370Gt帅,可以把妹,其实背后都是一把鼻涕一把泪,买了有年份的欧洲车稍微和performance挂的上钩的人的心里,哪一点没说到他们心坎里了。又不是人人花钱保养维修车,心里没感觉,大多数人,在这个论坛上买这种车的人,钱都是父母给的,每年就这么多,335就好像个定时炸弹,小炸一下500左右。大爆炸一下上千不奇怪吧!毕竟只是比M3矮一个等级。说实话!想日子过的安稳、真正去享受车的performance,乖乖地去买370GT,版本高低,注意看好了,别到时候被dealer坑



HPFP 10年全球recall更换过, 应该解决了吧


NZ 不在recall list里 dealer确认过了 貌似只有米国是免费的 12万公里内










你买的新车? 335i dealer说NZ没有recall program 二手更是不管了


没有完美的人生, 没有完美的车,喜欢就去买来驾驶,买来感受



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