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通用召回超145万辆车 涉及别克凯越,Holden 等车型




Holden has issued a safety recall on the diesel CG Captiva for a production line fault that has seen vehicles built with their fuel feed hose touching the airconditioning suction pipe. The carmaker says that over time the fuel hose could rub against the pipe, creating a hole and the risk of a fuel leak that could catch fire.
Related CoverageimageHolden recalls 16,000 CaptivasimageHolden recalls 11,500 Cruze over crash riskimage12,000 Aussie cars part of 3 million airbag recallimageHolden recalls 50,000 Korean-made carsimageHolden recalls nearly 10,000 CruzesMore on HOLDEN
The recall notice affects 14,230 diesel Captiva 5 and Captiva 7 built February 5 2011 and November 2 2012, powered by the 2.2-litre diesel. The recall is a global one, with the two Captivas built in South Korea and sold in other markets as the Opel Antara and Chevrolet Captiva respectively.
Over the recall period, Holden has sold about 20,000 Captiva 7 and 10,000 Captiva 5 models with both diesel and petrol engines.
Holden says there have been some field reports related to the recall in Australia. "There have been four reported cases across Australia of a fuel smell related to the problem, but no fires or accidents," Holden spokesperson Kate Lonsdale told Carsguide.com.au. "This is just a precautionary recall."
Lonsdale said the fix would take about an hour. "We just recommend that at their earliest possible convenience owners have their vehicles inspected. The dealers are aware of the recall and will certainly prioritise those vehicles as they're brought in," she said.
Holden is contacting customers, who can take their vehicles to their nearest dealer for inspection and replacement of the fuel hose if needed.

HOLDEN will recall more than 2700 1.8-litre manual Cruze models as part of parent company General Motors’ growing problems that will see the US car-making giant apply fixes to up to 6.2 million vehicles worldwide.

However, Holden’s recall, announced today, will include a batch of 600 cars that have already had faulty driveshafts replaced in September last year, which will be upgraded to newer driveshafts even though the fix applied last year has solved the problem.

Holden said it would need to expand September’s recall to cover 2712 Cruze owners – including those who already had a replacement component fitted – with most slotted in for a precautionary replacement of a driveshaft that, if left in, could shatter unexpectedly and disable the car.

The Holden recall relates to a similar GM notice issued last month, however, the US car-maker late last week halted the sale of some Cruze variants for an unspecified reason, flagging safety concerns.

Holden product communications national manager Kate Lonsdale said the “recall for a recall” related to six-speed manual versions of the Cruze paired with the 1.8-litre petrol four-cylinder engine – the model identified in September’s notice.

“We made the call yesterday that it (the US recall) does impact us,” Ms Lonsdale told GoAuto.

“It’s linked to the recall we did last year, and what the US found out is that the vehicles that were recalled last time, they needed to expand the range (of vehicles affected).

“The other cars, like the diesels, all use different driveshafts, so they’re not affected.”

Ms Lonsdale said the Cruze models affected by the last recall would need to come back to workshops for about an hour to have a better-engineered driveshaft fitted, and in the case of those receiving the fix last time, the previous replacement shaft removed.

“Since the last recall they have a new driveshaft component that is better than the last one, even though it was certified and we have had no issues with that,” she said.

“Since we’ve had driveshafts replaced to ensure they don’t fracture we’ve had no incidents, however, they have new certified components that they want to use in the recall, so we’ll ensure that everyone has this new component.

“Everyone will have the driveshaft replaced – it’s not that we think it (the previously replaced shaft) is faulty.”

The precautions at Holden relate to GM’s struggle with reliability as overnight it added another 1.2 billion vehicles to its growing list of faults, and earmarked a $US750 million ($A808 million) war chest to help it pay for the repairs it needs to make.

The latest recall relates to faulty electronic steering systems in US-market cars up to a decade old, which could fail and add to the likelihood of a crash.

It also follows on from a more serious recall affecting the ignition systems in as many as 1.2 million GM models that so far have been linked to 13 deaths in the US, and as many as 31 serious injuries.


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