新西兰求助阿亲们!!!哥们儿今天full lisence的point被扣


求助阿亲们!!!哥们儿今天full lisence的points被扣完了!!!驾照被警察吊销了,亲们有什么办法可以继续合法开车阿?我住的地方离学校太远阿,坐bus不方便唉。。。。。悲催。





好像可以找律师出个证明?说你必须用车等等。。 然后会给你开个那个只能在上下班时间内开车的东西。。。 貌似是这样。。。顺道求问楼主怎么把分扣完的。。。 还有一共有多少分啊






我至今只被摄像头拍过一次,超了20,罚款120。。。 不知道会扣多少分呢?







我也跟你一样,我还有40分,但警察告诉我我就还有20分了,哈哈,当你就剩下40分时候或者50分以后,警察局就会给你来信,你每次罚单上都有些扣分的详情,1-10 扣10分 10-20低于20速度扣20分 多余20并不多于30扣30分,多余30 不多于35扣40分 多余35 扣50分,价格是80 120 150 180 200刀,祝你好运。楼上说的是不可能的,你驾照吊销了,是要上庭的,少则3个月吊销,多则6个月或者12个月最高处置,另外如果你有这个记录,不关你事学生vista,或许是working visa下一次办理都不是很方便,


分扣完了很正常 累己被扣完只会拿走驾照然后给你张纸写着返还驾照的日期 第一次是3个月也就是90天 以前 1年100现在2年100 去年因为分被扣完被吊销了3个月 3个月到了直接去aa交钱 补驾照就好, 和上庭没关系除非你是酒后驾车被吊销或是危险驾驶被吊销 情节不同, 吊销后可以向法庭但是必须要通过律师申请 临时驾照 但是法庭给你的几率很小 而且费用很高大概1800nzd左右 而且只能开固定路线 早上8点-晚上8点可以驾驶剩下时间 如果被抓了就麻烦了. 希望这些信息对你有用 还有请楼上的仁兄不要误导 正常积分贝扣除 吊销3个月 不会被记入任何档案 以咨询过律师和法院, 不会影响任何 visa 和申请. 除非你被完全吊销 也就是要重新考那个才会影响 谢谢


分扣完了很正常 累己被扣完只会拿走驾照然后给你张纸写着返还驾照的日期 第一次是3个月也就是90天 以前 1年100现在2年100 去年因为分被扣完被吊销了3个月 3个月到了直接去aa交钱 补驾照就好, 和上庭没关系除非你是酒后驾车被吊销或是危险驾驶被吊销 情节不同, 吊销后可以向法庭但是必须要通过律师申请 临时驾照 但是法庭给你的几率很小 而且费用很高大概1800nzd左右 而且只能开固定路线 早上8点-晚上8点可以驾驶剩下时间 如果被抓了就麻烦了. 希望这些信息对你有用 还有请楼上的仁兄不要误导 正常积分贝扣除 吊销3个月 不会被记入任何档案 以咨询过律师和法院, 不会影响任何 visa 和申请. 除非你被完全吊销 也就是要重新考那个才会影响 谢谢




请问我是在持国际驾照的时候超速的,那么是不是我的full licence没有扣分?(full刚拿到,没超速过)




除非是危险驾驶 因为 只有2种会纪录到 黑色记录里 1 酒后驾车 最严重, 2 危险驾驶 例如 street racing 之类的单是不包括 正常的超速 正常超速50km以内都是罚款 超过本身正常路面限速最大值 比如50的路 可以开60 但是你开110 你就要上庭了 属于危险驾驶


2年100分 wof过期扣 25 路税如果过期 扣25  车子有任何改装之类不符合标准包括装 不符合规定的车牌 被警察逮 扣25  超速一次最少扣20分 除了照相机不扣分,只要警察拦下你 开了罚单 25---50分不等 酒后驾车 危险驾驶 2话不说直接 注销驾照 都不吊销 100分一次扣完  而且重新参加一个安全学习班考驾照 你说2年100分扣完也不难啊





What you get for your $600+GST fee in Auckland:
  • Fastest work licence application online
  • Instant easy access to comprehensive (online) 10 minute questionnaire!
  • Quickest application 3 days (A genuine medical emgergency!)  Normal time 5-7 working days if you have your demerit  letter or your 28 day stand-down has or is about to expire otherwise it will take longer.
  • Next day office appointment (1/2 block from Auckland District  Court) or  same day telephone interview! Your choice! (Telephone  interview takes  approx 15-20 minutes)
  • Located in same building as Police Prosecution which allows for very fast processing.
  • Always available via Iphone or Ipad to make an appointment
  • Fast response to your email or txt
  • 24 hour on call office secretary toll free 0800 ok2drive number 24/7 to book appointment
  • $153.33 court filing fee if for drink driving. No filing fee for Demerit points.
  • No money to pay until your application is prepared + 7 day terms.
  • Instructing  Solicitor available if you don’t have one.
  • Extra charge of $250+GST only if your application opposed by police and a court hearing is required (this is rare).
  • 90% of my applications are unopposed because of the realistic way I frame the draft order.
  • Judges approve and some have praised the affidavits I prepare for client and employer!
  • Lawyer available to swear employer affidavit same day service in Greater Auckland area.
  • Your application filed with police within 24 hours if you have  demerit notice or 28 day stand down has expired or is about to expire.
  • Easy online payment facility.
  • Free Log book.
  • Check out great client references!
  • Satisfaction or money back guarantee*
Do You Qualify?You do not qualify for a work licence if:
  • you have an indefinite disqualification and have been  ordered to attend an Assessment centre as a result of repeat offences  involving alcohol and drugs.
  • you have been convicted of any two of the following types  of offences committed in separate incidents within 5 years of each  other:
    • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (excluding youth alcohol level)
    • Reckless or dangerous driving
    • Careless driving causing injury or death
    • Failing to stop after an accident
    • Applying for or obtaining a licence whist disqualified from doing so
Further  it is not possible to apply for a work licence:
  • for the purpose  of conducting driving tests or acting as a driving instructor
  • for use in a passenger service (unless no more than 20 of  the demerit points were accumulated while driving in a passenger  service)
  • for use  in a transport service, if you were disqualified for excess alcohol while  operating transport service vehicle
Barrister Melanie Coxon can help you online if:
  • this is your first or second suspension for demerit points and you need to drive for work
  • this is your first drink drive conviction within the past  five years (and you have no other disqualifying conviction - see above)  and are now on a 28 day stand down or your stand down period has just  expired
  • you have been charged with sustained loss of traction or other traffic offence resulting in suspension
and now need a work licence fast  to keep your job.
If you qualify then click the RED get started button on this page then answer the questions.
(It will take you approximately 10 minutes)
Double check that you have put in the correct rego number/s of the vehicle you seek to drive. Also ensure that the vehicle/s you  wish to drive from home to work and home again or just at work are currently registered and have a valid warrant of fitness. If they do not, your application will be seriously delayed.
How it WorksTake 10 minutes and answer as many of the questions as you can on my website then hit the submit button.
As soon as I receive your response on my iphone, I or one of my  staff will contact you and make an appointment for you to see me the  very next day. No messing around.
When you arrive at my chambers I will give you a copy of my client  care documents which includes my fee quote $600 + gst. No surprises!  Then with your help I will complete preparation of your application in a  timely fashion.
Once this is done I will give you my bill of costs. You will then  have 7 days to pay it online. I will then fax or deliver a copy of your  application to the police, at the same time booking you a court  appointment for the hearing of your application. I will also pay the  $153.33 filing fee for you in the first instance but you must repay me  in cash on the morning you attend at court to obtain your order.
Now you know what is going to happen, stop sweating! Just click the RED 'Get Started' button on the work licence page and leave the rest up to me!
* How the Money Back Guarantee WorksMy ‘Money back Guarantee’ applies only if the police refuse  consent or the Judge refuses to grant the draft order filed in court or  any subsequent amended order despite police consent.
The money back guarantee is subject to you providing me accurate information when you answer the website questions/and or during our telephone  conference or in person interview. ie you must have no previous  disqualifying offences within 5 years of the date of your current  offence. The guarantee applies only if the judge fails to grant the application.  It does not operate if for any reason you instruct me to stop or  withdraw the application once I have prepared your affidavit and  supporting papers and obtained police consent. ie you change your mind  for any reason whatsoever.
A half fee refund is available if you have written  confirmation from your employer that he has withdrawn his affidavit in  support of your application and that you have lost your job before the  actual court hearing but for no other reason.
Note:   No refunds for 'Special Licence Applications'.
Fast & Efficient! Why?
  • Office one half block from the Auckland District Court towards Victoria Street
  • My chambers in the same building (James Kirkpatrick Building) as Police Prosecution
  • AA (Automobile Association) (1 block away) where you go to pick up your temporary licence
User Friendly
  • FAQs section on website
  • Immediate Appointment
  • Contactable by email [email protected] or phone
  • You can pay by easy bank direct credit
Great Service
  • Shortest processing time in Auckland!
  • Money Back Guarantee!
  • Free Log book
Get Driving Fast!
  • Take 10 minutes now and get started below
  • Save hours for the lawyer
  • Days on processing your application
  • Hundreds of dollars on the fee
= Best price $597+GST & $153.33 court  fee (if drink drive)
Money Back Guarantee!

2.其实这个分不应该叫被扣完了,应该说惩罚分数累计超过100.每次违规会给你20 或者40分,然后你的分数累计超过100就暂停驾照了



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