新西兰求助大神Mark X 故障码P0031
MarkX 引擎故障灯在刚发动后不会亮,但开车后一会就会亮起。驾驶上没有感觉什么问题。找了一家修车行测出故障码P0031,前氧传感器加热电路问题。之后换了一个新的O2 sensor在副驾驶一边的. 但问题依然存在。电路保险丝和继电器都检查了,没有烧坏。ECU据车行说也查了没问题。有大神能分析一下到底问题出在哪里?感觉一般车行修机械问题还凑合,对电子问题好像瞎子摸象,找不到问题原因。
Possible Solutions To fix a P0031 DTC code, you'll need to do a proper diagnosis. To do that, you'll want to inspect the wiring and connectors leading to the sensor. Also if equipped with a heater relay and fuse, you'll want to check those as well. Use a digital volt ohm meter to: check for 12 volts at the heater circuit feed (hint: unplug the sensor and check at the wiring connector to do this measurement) check the ground circuit for continuity measure the resistance of the heater circuit (done on the sensor itself) measure the resistance and voltage of the wiring Refer to a service manual for the correct specifications (volts, ohms) for your vehicle. On some Toyota vehicles this code is triggered when the resistance of the heater circuit is below 0.8 A. With that said, a common fix for this DTC is to replace the air/fuel (O2 oxygen) sensor #1 on bank 1. Please keep in mind that OEM (original equipment) replacement sensors are recommended (from the dealer). Aftermarket sensors can be less reliable and of poorer quality (not always, but more often). There's also a chance that replacement parts for the P0031 code may also fall under a federal emissions warranty (check with your dealer to see if it's covered).
Read more at: http://www.obd-codes.com/p0031
Copyright OBD-Codes.com
看看你的车的service manual找找sensor在哪里。
Sensor已经换过了,难道是车行换错位置了?B1S1 Sensor,不是副驾驶这边的吗?
就是氧传感器的问题..不是换错了..就是不只是一个传感器有问题..Mark X一共4个氧传感器
一个代码只对应一个Senor吧。 车行用的是国内带来的中文仪器,有可能扫出来的是反方向的吗?
Check the petrol cap to see if it is not being closed properly ! Some car's engine light would be on if the air pressure not right inside the petrol tank.
我之前开的Mark x也有同样的问题。不过后来换了2个O2 sensor就解决了。你是换的Toyota原厂的么?我记得之前车场第一次给换的台湾产的副厂的。问题就没解决。。。后来换成原厂全新的就没任何问题了。