新西兰Retarded Holden azn lady
The Lady was turning at 60-70 at the Huge S turn in South Eastern Highway (from motorway to plaza just before the bridge)
so i over took her at the speed of 80
then she got pissed off at me (seems like shes drunk cuz she cudnt stay in the lane properly)
and over took me on the bridge (almost crashing into me)while i was changing lane
and then at the end of the bridge (the lights ) we turned left and she took all 2 lane to turn and almost hitting me because she dunno how to turn for shit.
and when we got to pak rd she over took me at 160 and i was only going 60 ==
btw im driving ek9 1.6L
and she was driving holden V8 6L ==
wat a retarded drunk lady
car plate for her "666656"
?????????、这车牌我前天在BOTANY ROAD见过哦
she couldn't even keep in her own lane on a straight road==
我见过这个车和车主 车主是个华人女孩
6# 城市漫步者
how old?
Dont think is drunk
Too Much PIZZA aye lol
p.s Nice Holden By The way ........
and if the ownerz watching ,
next time kepp it on the low in Rata Shell Petrol Station.... lol