咖啡机状态非常好,在功能上是没有任何问题的。 我已经把机器洗干净了, 这台机是雀巢的Inissia,胶囊可以在雀巢的咖啡店里买到,city和new market都各有一家。 咖啡机大概是在一年前买的, 不过大学快毕业了, 之后我也不用和这么多咖啡了,所以才卖的机器The coffee machine is fully functional, make coffee with no problem. I already cleaned the machine. The machine model is Inissia, coffee capsules can be found at Nespresso store, one at New Market, one at Queen Street. This machine I brought it about 1 year ago, I use it frequently. But now I almost finished my university I design to sell it because I don't need to drink that much coffee anymore.