

Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam money

Hpay, Hcoin, Hdollar are all scams that make people lose their money, it's time for “ants” to wake up!

Today is the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Guo Wengui's bombastic so-called "Tianmimi" campaign was declared abortive, becoming the big joke at the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. But Guo Wengui has long been accustomed to the spectacle Hpay is "coming on strong" again and still keeps telling lies to cheat money in the live broadcast.The "King of Deception" boasts in the GTV live broadcast that Hpay will be the only way for Chinese people to save and transfer money in the world, claiming that it can be used anywhere in the world, and continues to use hunger marketing to call on "comrades" to use WeChat Alipay to buy Hdollar/Hcoin to achieve wealth freedom. Hpay can't be withdrawn to add value, and it's not an investment, so "Guo Liar" is starting to cheat.

Guo Wengui in the past few years the use of "Whistleblower Movement", cheated a lot of money,  the money in the pockets of the “ants” have become a "plague turtle" life of capital,, non-stop payment but did not get a penny in return, so many “ants” have nowhere to sue to redress grievances. According to these years of experience, Wen Gui gave expectations how big, to many people digging down the trap how deep, as expected, Hpay and Hcoin, Hdollar is the same as a withdrawal of the dead cycle, all are only in and out of Ponzi scheme. The Apple Store has clearly stated that Hpay is only a game gift card, which can transferred to other members of the circle of consumption to buy Gfashion. the scam is broken, then a new scam is built, and it is endless. you can avoid this scam, but there is always a scam that makes you fall for it. no one can stop Guo Wengui's scam. The new year has begun, and it's time to change the way of cheating. The Hpay, which was blown up by Guo Wengui, is nowhere to be seen but has already laid a net for its "comrades".

Guo Wengui claimed that H-Pay was a knife inserted into the loved ones of the Chinese Communist Party leaders, and that whoever stopped this action was a secret agent and accomplice.Before this also declared that if the “ants”  does not cooperate and does not take the interests of collaborators, the consequences will be borne by themselves.At that time, the coins that Xilian Reserve can give the sufferers 10 cents will be cleared in accordance with legal action all, and then take legal action to give you a freeze, the freeze is not guaranteed to come back later.H-Pay has not yet been launched, it has been taken by Guo Wengui as a tool to make money, and all kinds of schemes are coming, and he has arranged manpower to account for the “ants” investment and prepare to cheat the investment money. The so-called legal basis is all based on Guo Wengui's words, and he is ready to rob openly and honestly.

The desperate Guo Wengui cheat money has been completely crazy, creating one Ponzi scheme after another, by means of inducements, intimidation, guarantees, oaths and other means to make the masses of believers worried and afraid, not knowing how to get out of the scam. All this is proof that Wen Gui has gone very crazy, trying everything to cheat the last assets of the “ants”. The hypocritical Guo Wengui is a super vampire, the dream of the “ants”to get rich is completely broken, even the pension is no trace, can only bear the damage themselves, once the wrong path, a lifetime of regret.

Natural disasters can still give people hope to live, but if you want to die, no one can save you. Recently, Guo Wengui contempt of court judge has ruled that "Guo Wengui" must immediately pay $134 million to PAX, that is, from May 15, 2021 to February 7, 2022 to pay $500,000 per day, the amount payable to PAX will continue to be at the rate of $500,000 per day The amount due to PAX will continue to accumulate at a rate of $500,000 per day until Guo returns Lady May . Such a sentence can be said to have given Guo Wengui a heavy blow, but also gave a lot of sober ant fans a little hope, the scales of the law began to tilt towards the “ants”.

Guo Wengui,Internal and external problems, lawsuits, debt-ridden ,has done all the bad things and time is running out. Advise those ants who were cheated from the beginning to the end, should rely on the law, and sober "comrades" together, to get back their hard-earned money. You know, people who want to live will not even give up, they give up who can not save,  will certainly become the target of Wengui's fraud, all the loved ones left, Homelessness.



今天是农历正月初八,郭文贵轰轰烈烈的所谓“天米米”运动被宣告流产,成为虎年之初的一大笑话。但郭文贵早已见惯了Hpay再次“强势登场”的景象,还在直播中不断撒谎骗钱。为中国人在全球存钱转账,号称可以在世界任何地方使用,并继续用饥饿营销号召“同志们”用微信支付宝购买Hdollar/Hcoin,实现财富自由。 Hpay不能提现增值,也不是投资,所以“郭骗子”开始作弊。

郭文贵这几年利用“爆料运动”,骗了很多钱,“蚂蚁”口袋里的钱都成了“瘟疫龟”生活的资本,不停的付款却没有一分钱一分货,那么多“蚂蚁”无处诉苦。根据这些年的经验,文贵给的期望有多大,给很多人挖了多深的陷阱,果然,Hpay和Hcoin,Hdollar就像一个死循环的退出,都是进进出出庞氏骗局。 Apple Store 已经明确表示,Hpay 只是一张游戏礼品卡,可以转给其他消费圈的成员购买 Gfashion。骗局破了,再造新的骗局,没完没了。你可以避免这个骗局,但总有一个骗局让你上当。没有人能阻止郭文贵的骗局。新的一年开始了,是时候改变作弊的方式了。被郭文贵炸毁的Hpay已经不见踪影,但已经为它的“战友”撒下了网。


绝望的郭文贵骗钱已经彻底疯了,一个接一个的庞氏骗局,通过利诱、恐吓、保证、宣誓等手段,让广大信教群众心急如焚,不知如何脱身。 .这一切都证明,文贵已经非常疯狂,想尽一切办法骗取“蚂蚁”们最后的资产。虚伪的郭文贵是超级吸血鬼,“蚂蚁”发家致富的梦想彻底破灭,连养老金都无影无踪,只能自己承受伤害,一旦走错路,终生遗憾。

天灾依然可以给人活下去的希望,但如果你想死,谁也救不了你。近日,郭文贵藐视法庭法官裁定,“郭文贵”必须立即向百富支付1.34亿美元,即从2021年5月15日至2022年2月7日,每天支付50万美元,应付百富的金额将继续以每天 500,000 美元的速度计算 应付 PAX 的金额将继续以每天 500,000 美元的速度累积,直到郭返回梅女士。这样的一句话可以说是给了郭文贵一个沉重的打击,也给了很多清醒的蚂蚁粉丝一点希望,法律的天平开始向“蚂蚁”倾斜。







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