大家在看房子想对屋内的布局进行改造时就在Skykiwi询问信息, 一些人说只要不是承重墙就不用申请building consent。这里面有很大的误区。
MBIE发布一个关于建筑是否需要申请建筑许可的简介。 大家英文好的可以看一下。 https://www.building.govt.nz/ass ... quired-guidance.pdf
1. 11. Internal walls and doorways in existing building
Building work in connection with an internal wall (including an internal doorway)
in any existing building unless the wall is:
(a) load-bearing; or (承重墙)
(b) a bracing element; or (水平支撑墙-用来抗风和抗地震力墙
(c) a fire separation wall (also known as a firewall); or(防火墙)
(d) part of a specified system; or
(e) made of units of material (such as brick, burnt clay, concrete, or stone)
laid to a bond in and joined together with mortar.
This exemption allows you to alter, remove or construct certain internal walls anddoorways.However, your proposed building work must not relate to a wall that is:• load-bearing• a bracing element• a firewall, or• a masonry wall, that is made of units of material (such as brick, burnt clay,concrete, or stone) laid to a bond in and joined together with mortar.
Internal walls often contain bracing elements: altering or removing these walls couldadversely affect the building’s structural performance. Some internal walls are alsoload-bearing: altering or removing these may reduce a building’s compliance withthe Building Code’s structural performance requirements. Therefore, such walls arenot covered by this exemption.
Building work relating to masonry walls is also outside the scope of this exemption.Masonry walls are heavy, and the consequences of their collapse if they are notadequately supported are greater than for timber-framed walls.
所以有些人没有结构工程学的背景就动不动下个结论说只要不是承重墙就可以把它拆掉,但是很多人不知道(b) a bracing element; or (水平支撑墙-用来抗风和抗地震力墙 和 (c) a fire separation wall (also known as a firewall); or(防火墙)也是不能拆掉。
我希望大家对屋内的布局进行改造时要慎重。 最好要找专业人士咨询。
涨了知识, 谢谢。
但如果加隔断墙呢, 就是之前的墙梁和框一点不会动, 只是有新的隔断, 也不是多加房间,只是隔断出不同空间。或是房间本身高度够(3米以上), 加个阁楼层给小孩爬上爬下, 又分出卧室和书房的功能, 像有些组合家具买的那样。
民用住宅加隔断墙,在没有加门的情况下 理论上不用申请建筑报批。如果加门成为一个封闭的空间的话, 因为涉及到一个采光和通风的问题,就可能要申请建筑报批。
加隔断墙从结构方面来说,没有任何忧虑。就是注意你的墙底和墙顶连接而已。 the connection of the top plate and bottom plate to the existing floor /floor joist and roof rafter/truss. truss spacing normally is 600/900. using stud finder to identify the location of the truss/rafter/floor joist
阁楼层mezzanine floor 理论上是需要报批的,因为你的阁楼是连接到现有的木头框架上,加上阁楼的使用上是有一定的自重量和预期的使用活荷载。对现有的框架和地基/木板是有新的承载要求。
但是你如果建了作为暂时的家用而不是为了将来卖房, (就是你卖房的时候你就拆掉阁楼), 很多人就不想报批了,但是从结构力学的角度上来说,是对现有结构有影响的。