

Special Event: Rent out! An essential guide for the new landlordDetails

Date: 26-Jan-2016

Capacity: 200 (32% booked)

Presentation by Will Alexander, Amanda Watt, Rachel Holding, Peter Lewis and Andrew King

Registration Open at 5.30pm Presentations Start at 6pm
DWC Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School, 14 Howe Street, Freemans Bay
Free ticket with prior registration


Want to get in on the property action but don't know where to start?We will show you how.

We are Auckland's only not-for-profit education provider helping ordinary Kiwis to achieve financial success through property investment.  Our members are long term property investors who have achieved great success  with their respective portfolios.  

Time and time again, property has proven to be our investment of choice.  Not only does it provide you with a steady stream of passive income, it will give long term growth to your asset portfolio.  Successful investors often talk about three key steps to achieving financial success: identifying an opportunity, knowledge, and taking action.  With the right knowledge and tools, you too can reap the benefits of the Auckland property market.  

At this special event, we are supported by reputable industry professionals and investment veterans who will be sharing with you vital knowledge from their fields of expertise.  The information from this 2-hour seminar will give you the support and confidence to start building your property portfolio.  You will be hearing from:

Will Alexander, Barfoot & Thompson

Is Auckland still a worthy investment city?

Setting the framework for the night, Will tackles the flavour du jour: the validity of Auckland's place in a investment portfolio.  Shrugging off media sensationalism, this presentation will use key lessons from historical trends to give a better interpretation of the current market phenomenon to give you a good understanding of where the Auckland housing market is really at and its projected trajectory.

Amanda Watt, Crowe Horwath

Renting & tax - what new investors need to know?

Your tax strategy plays a big part in your overall cash flow and growth projection.  Amanda is an experienced chartered accountant as well as learned investor who has successfully helped many investors navigate the landmine of tax efficiency.  At this presentation Amanda will give you the foundation knowledge you need to start thinking about how you can structure your assets as well as new tax legislations that are affecting property investors.  

Rachel Holding, ANZ

Property financing and the key to investment portfolio growth

It has often been said that your investment strategy is only as good as your financing strategy, but what does it mean to have a financing strategy?  As an investor and specialist lender, Rachel will get you start to think about how to use leveraging to grow your rental portfolio.  Rachel will also talk in general about rental loan applications and how they are assessed by the bank.

Peter Lewis, APIA

The dos and don'ts of residential landlording

As a full time and long-term landlord, Peter is well versed with the practical application of tenancy laws as well as the best way to manage tenancies.  This presentation is designed to give you a best practice guide should you intend on managing your rental properties yourself.  

Andrew King, NZPIF

What is it really like to be a landlord in 2016?

A key component of Andrew's role as the executive officer of the New Zealand Property Investors' Federation is to act as the interface between the residential landlord community and key policy makers.  At this presentation Andrew will talk about how 2016 is shaping up for property investors in terms of incoming regulatory changes and policy directions.  Andrew's presentation will give this seminar a contemporary flavour and give you the confidence you need to continue investing in a way that not only acknowledges but also minimises market risks.  

Register to attend this event now to be one step closer to financial freedom.  Places are limited and registration is absolutely essential.  



怎么 报名?????????







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