请问一下,有谁知道,如果是一个company share 的UNIT是不是不太值得买呀?因为我买的只是这张公司的SHAREHOLD ,但是没有房权,是这样吗?
我也考虑买房呢,网上看到的:Company Share Title
The land and buildings are owned by a company. Company share title gives the individual owners an equity share in the company. You occupy the apartment with a ‘license to occupy’.
Each company share will have different rules regarding maintenance of the building. Company share title comes under the Companies Act and there are no specific rules regarding how the company should manage maintenance and levies.
Check on the conditions of your particular company before doing any major maintenance or work which may affect common areas of the property.
就是有资格,但是没有所有权,好像不太好,还是Unit title的好一些