标签:cheating - 澳大利亚华人论坛


AMANDA PLATELL: Cheating Kyle's wife should show h

When the wife of serial love rat Kyle Walker, the preening Manchester City star, delivered divorce papers on her errant husband, a cry of joy was heard from every woman who'd been lied to and cheated on. At last, Annie was taking Kyle to th...澳洲华人论坛


这算cheating 么

2013年6月,我在volvo 4S店买了一辆demo车。当时我老公公司有VOLVO的corporate program,新车可以有5年的免费保养,但是由于我买的是demo车,所以就多花了1000刀买了这个多两年免费保养的prog...澳洲华人论坛