澳大利亚房产 有人听说过Experien Finance吗
Did you have experience in banking or financial or insurance industry? Would you like to be a successful registered financial adviser? If you are answering 'yes', then we are keen to hear from you now! A great opportunity is coming for join...澳洲华人论坛
Great Opportunity for an Experienced Sales and Marketing Person. Zealex Ltd and Middle Earth Foods Limited have joined together to develop their bee honey business and wish to find a strategic partner: Good bi-lingual skills in Mandarin, En...澳洲华人论坛
请问2年的graduate work experience visa 和Essential work visa有什么区别啊?我现在的open visa 快到期了。有fulltime job,请问我是应该申请graduate work experience visa 那还是Essential work visa?求哪位好新人...澳洲华人论坛
车买了两个月了啥都没收到 之前听说有人买车收到免費半天的drive experience invitation,有谁收到过的吗? 评论 买了好多次,重来没收到过 评论 还是车买太便宜了dealer不愿给 评论 只有...澳洲华人论坛
各位有没有申请过 CPA Recognition of prior experience? 有没有朋友知道CPA Australia 是如何 check 以前的工作经验的? 是和签证一样要电调吗?还是用其他的方式?请各位帮帮忙,知道或经历过的...澳洲华人论坛
如题. 如果以前工作经验的公司里面没有qualified accountant/ cpa 做你的supervisor, 那prior experience不管你做多少年,顶多只能让我免12个月工作经验吗?看到很多同学这么说了....可是cpa网站又说是...澳洲华人论坛