标签:Everyo - 澳大利亚华人论坛


AUTCSA举办的Air Sort活动!!!!!

Hi everyone! Welcome to a new year at AUTCSA! To kick start the year we're going to have an airsoft event on the 30th March and would love for everyone to join us. If you don't know what airsoft is have a quick look at the video and you'll...澳洲华人论坛


Parking in San clinc

Hello everyone Any one knows the best parking spot or way to go to SAN Clinic? First time, hoping to get some advice. Also, is it easier to go from Yanko road or Pacific hwy? Many thanks! 评论 以前朋友在那里生,印象是这样的:...澳洲华人论坛


Getting a 2020 Subaru STI

Hi everyone, 准备赶在明年大改款前入手一台2020年STI,为了情怀。Sydney weekend car... 想请教下成交价,或者有靠谱的dealer或sales没?有打算入手subbies 的朋友也可以一起,讲价空间或许大些。...澳洲华人论坛


Three Simple Rules in Life

Hi Everyone........Hope you are warm, happy and well Three Simple Rules in Life: If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO. If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the...澳洲华人论坛