标签:Wors - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Auckland housing shortage worsened by a record near

指望奥克兰房价腰斩真的是天方夜谭。 The Salvation Army said this morning that the housing crisis in Auckland was adding incredible stress to the day-to-day lives of many families. The charity's annual State of the Nation rep...澳洲华人论坛


Phase: Worst Case Scenario

Worst Case Scenario 含义:最坏的情况。这个词组经常用在小组讨论的时候,因为假设出最坏的情况能给大家一个清晰的印象事情最坏能坏到哪里去,知道了这个就心里比较有底了。 例句:...澳洲华人论坛