标签:Closed - 澳大利亚华人论坛


请问,怎么可以查到HIGH WAY是否CLOSED?

如题,下星期打算从惠灵顿到奥克兰,凌晨出发,怕到时高速公路会关闭。谁知道这要到哪里查到? 评论 nzta?。。。。。。。。 评论 Google map不及时更新吗??? 评论 http://www.nzta.g...澳洲华人论坛


resolved. closed

resolved. closedresolved. closedresolved. closedresolved. closedresolved. closedresolved. closed 评论 这个预算有点难,每天上下班交通是个大问题 评论 买个公寓也许会好一点 到北岸或者中区公寓看看 评论...澳洲华人论坛



topic closed thanks 评论 economist 厉害啊 评论 恭喜!收到信了吗? 我也在等aip信呢,还没收到。 评论 真挚地恭喜和祝贺楼主!并祝愿以后的路越走越宽广! ps:我喜欢看这样的有很多细节和...澳洲华人论坛



Closed. 谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 3thK 于 2010-10-18 20:53 编辑 ] 评论 楼主只需要一个人啊?我们刚好是两人,估计楼主不需要了呵呵。 我们是26日从基督城出发,经中线和西海岸一圈,不经东岸...澳洲华人论坛


103 permanently closed!!!!以后还有104,

This visa was permanently closed to new applications on 2 June 2014 . No further applications for this visa are able to be made. The information on these pages is for people who are visa holders or who have a current subclass 103 applicatio...澳洲华人论坛


Case Closed

Case Closed 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评论 up up 7 up! 评...澳洲华人论坛


745 Westfield closed this afternoon

Somebody was told jumped from level 6. Please be noted, This news yet need to be confirmed. 评论 已经跳完了 westfield 关了,coles 门口封锁了 评论 发生什么事情乐 评论 http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ... r8h9d-122770...澳洲华人论坛


Topic closed

Topic closed 评论 omg 评论 狗血 评论 会不会被风吹走了。在某个角落呢?拿走好像有点说不过去,要拿干嘛不把下面的钱都拿走 评论 可怜的女孩子亏大了 评论 是不是风吹到地上了,再找...澳洲华人论坛


税务问题简答 by CA

税务问题简答 by CA - Closed by Admin. Please put up a topic with your questions. I will answer to that Business Personal Tax [ 本帖最后由 taxbreak 于 2012-6-13 09:33 编辑 ] 评论 ATO's Approach re tax return reviews: Our appro...澳洲华人论坛


Discussion closed, thank you

Discussion closed, thank you all for the good advise and comments 评论 空调24小时运转这个有点使用过度啊。 评论 评论 我爱人自己也是几个房子的房东,租住镇中心房子做办公室,东西坏了房东就必...澳洲华人论坛



Closed 评论 用本土银行的卡吧,可以把钱追回来 评论 谢谢亲。 评论 千万注意保护银行卡信息, 什么opal 卡8折充值这些 就是你们这些卡 买的 评论 发卡银行会负责,这钱你不用付。 最近...澳洲华人论坛