标签:通風 - 澳大利亚华人论坛



新房子, 上層四個房間但只有主人套房有空調 如果安裝hrv 這類通風系統,可否把空調的冷風或熱風吹到其他三個房間? 评论 这么省啊?都买了那么大的房子,就都装空调吧 评论 四個...澳洲华人论坛


SOLD 三房兩廳帶 HRV 通風系統 House Remova

1950's 3 bedroom family home with featuring gorgeous polished wooden floors and an HRV ventilation system, needs to be removed to make way for a new build. This is a great opportunity for someone to recycle these for their next building pro...澳洲华人论坛