

背景介绍一下,2013年财年,我老公澳洲公民,我临时居留,没有medicare,自己交的visitor私保。申请了medicare Levy Exemption,退了税。然后今天税务局给我打电话,说,虽然我没medicare资格,但是我老公有,所以我也得交2013财年的medicare费。因为我老公算我的dependant。





仔细回想下,税务局的还断章取义的问我,你是不是和你老公live in the same house?是的话,就是dependant了。我去。那我老公他兄弟还和7个其他人share个大豪斯呢。每个人都要交8份的medicare吗?我澳洲朋友还住过12人间的share room呢。那medicare得交多少啊。想发财想疯了吧。还告诉我法律就是这样的。


Category 3: Not entitled to Medicare benefits
You can claim a full exemption for any period for which you have a certificate from the Medicare Levy Exemption Certification Unit of Medicare Australia showing you were not entitled to Medicare benefits because you were a temporary resident for Medicare purposes and either:
you did not have any dependants for that period, or
all your dependants were in an exemption category for that period.
A letter from Medicare is not sufficient.

For more information on how to apply for an exemption certificate as a temporary resident, contact Medicare Australia on 1300 300 271 or visit the Department of Human Services websiteExternal Link.
End of further information
You also qualify for a full exemption under this category if you:
were a member of a diplomatic mission or consular post in Australia (or a member of such a person’s family and you were living with them)
were not an Australian citizen
do not ordinarily live in Australia, and either
you did not have any dependants for that period, or
all your dependants were in an exemption category for that period.


Dependants for Medicare levy exemption
For the Medicare levy exemption (but not the reduction), dependant means an Australian resident you maintained who was:
- your spouse
- your child under 21 years old, or
- your child, 21 to 24 years old, who was receiving full-time education at a school, college or university and whose adjusted taxable income (ATI, see Adjusted taxable income (ATI) for you and your dependants) for the period you maintained the child was less than the total of $282 plus $28.92 for each week you maintained them.
If the parents of a child lived separately and apart for all or part of the income year and the child was a dependant of each of them, the child is treated as an equal dependant of each parent (irrespective of the number of days the child was in each parent’s care). However, where a parent receives FTB Part A for the child, including receiving only the rental assistance component, the child is a dependant of that parent for the number of days the child was in their care.

For more information about how we calculate your dependent’s ATI and the definition of 'maintained', see Adjusted taxable income (ATI) for you and your dependants.


Adjusted taxable income (ATI) for you and your dependants 2014
Who is a dependant?
A dependant can be:
your spouse (see the definition of spouse in Special circumstances and glossary)
your parent or your spouse's parent
a child who is under 21 years old (see the full definition of child in Special circumstances and glossary) who is not a student
a student under 25 years old who is studying full time at school, college or university
a child-housekeeper (your child of any age who kept house for you full time)
an invalid relative (your or your spouse's child, brother or sister) 16 years old or older who receives a disability support pension or a special needs disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991.
an invalid spouse who receives a disability support pension or a special needs disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991.
a carer spouse (see definition of carer spouse).
A dependant needs to be an Australian resident for tax purposes (see Completing Individual information on your tax return). If you have a dependant of a kind listed above (not including your or your spouse's parent, invalid brother or invalid sister) who was waiting to migrate to Australia in 2013-14, and you were taking the necessary and timely steps for their migration, we will consider that dependant to be a resident at all times you were a resident.
If you want to claim a tax offset for your dependants you need to work out your and your dependants' adjusted taxable income (ATI) for the relevant period to determine:
whether you are eligible for a tax offset, and
the amount of the tax offset you are entitled to.
The relevant period is identified in the questions dealing with the particular tax offset you wish to claim. This may be all of the 2013-14 income year or a period during 2013-14.


What is maintaining a dependant?
You maintained a dependant if any of the following applied:
you and your dependant lived in the same house
you gave your dependant food, clothing and lodging
you helped them to pay for their living, medical and educational costs.
If you had a spouse for the whole of 2013-14 and your spouse worked at any time during the year, we still consider you to have maintained your spouse as a dependant for the whole income year.
We consider you to have maintained a dependant even if the two of you were temporarily separated, for example, due to holidays or overseas travel.
If you maintained a dependant for only part of the year, you may need to adjust your claim accordingly.

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