Lucy Wu is being moved from her city kiosk after five years. Picture: Tony Gough Source: Herald Sun
据报道,这位名叫Lucy Wu的女子生气地表示她无法理解市议会的决定。她说,为了经营这家位于墨尔本市区Elizabeth Street和Collins Street路口的书报亭,自己起早贪黑地工作,每周工作时间长达60小时,而且节假日也很少关门停业。她表示:“我受到了非常不公平的对待,希望他们(市议会官员)能解释一下,为什么想要把我踢出去。”
据悉,墨尔本市议会对所辖区域内的14个书报亭进行了重新招标,而Lucy Wu的租约在今年12月31日即将期满,而无法获得续约。她表示,她5年前花了22万元买来这个生意,但是现在市议会方面却告诉她,已经找到了人来顶替她,因为此人“更有经验、曾经经营过规模更大的生意,而且能力也更强。”
Lucy Wu说,“先前的(书报亭)老板告诉我,她自己没有能力继续经营这门生意。但是自从我接手之后,生意却一年好过一年。”她称市议会方面建议她转而经营Bourke Street上的书报亭,但她认为这家书报亭无法维持正常生计,所以拒绝了市议会的这一条件。
A WOMAN who's run a news kiosk in a prime city location for five years will be moved out after the city council told her they'd found someone with more experience.
An upset Lucy Wu said she didn't understand, because she worked 60 hours a week and rarely took holidays to operate the booth, on the Elizabeth-Collins streets corner.
"I've been treated very unfairly. I want them to explain why they want to kick me out," she said.
Ms Wu is set to lose her lease on December 31 after the council re-tendered contracts for its 14 city news kiosks.
Ms Wu, who paid $220,000 for the business five years ago, said she was told the council had found someone "with better experience, (who had) handled a larger business and (had) greater capabilities".
"The previous owner told me she didn't have the ability to continue running this business," she said. "Ever since I took over, the goodwill has been built up year after year."
Ms Wu said she had been offered an alternative site in Bourke St, but rejected it because it didn't generate enough business.
A city council spokesman said kiosks operated on five-year licences and Ms Wu had been given the chance to submit a tender in a competitive process.
He said Ms Wu had been offered an "excellent location" in Bourke St, between Russell and Swanston streets.
其实在shopping centre里面做生意也是一样。 每次也就给5年的租约。 管理公司就是大爷, 随便找个理由就可以不给续约了。 而且每年租金的涨幅也特别厉害, 5%以上是常见的。
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