(持分)信用卡 (amex, westpac and anz) 租车excess cover 问题
持分:只有15 分。。 鞋子还不够肥 。。。
(版主:如果地方不对,可以移到车坛? 不是很清楚 boundary )
有些问题,不是很理解。需要有经验的人, 指点一下。
最好是实际claim 过得 。。。
本人英文不好,pds 读不懂。
而且不是很清楚, 什么时候, pds 才适用于我 。。。
我用的westpac 黑卡, 买的机票。
租车:hertz. 还没付费,柜台付费。
卡:amex (exploer or edge); anz black; westpac black.
目的: 怎样有效的使用信用卡, 租车时cover excess fee.
这样就不用买车行的reduce excess cover. 一天30 到50 不等。
https://www.westpac.com.au/conte ... surance_Allianz.pdf
https://www.anz.com.au/content/d ... ards-insurances.pdf
https://web.aexp-static.com/au/c ... -insurance-tncs.pdf
1: 有关 car rental excess cover。
一般都是从travel insurance 中看到。
这个travel insurance 是在什么时候对我有效?
只有国际旅游 + 用这张信用卡 支付机票?
我用的westpac 黑卡买的国内机票,是不是这个保险 跟我没关系了?
2 : 如果我在Gold coast , 用AMEX 或者 ANZ black card 租车, 会cover 我的 rental car excess 吗?
Amex 好像是说 我需要有AMEX 卡订这个holiday 。
"This great travel benefit from American Express means when you book and pay for your trip with your American Express Explorer® Credit Card, you can take advantage of domestic and overseas travel insurance for you, your family and your children under the age of 22“。
"IMPORTANT: In order to be eligible for the insurance benefits, You
must first purchase the full fare for a return Trip, or an Eligible Item,
on the American Express Explorer Credit Card. See the Activation of
Insurance table for details when You are eligible for cover"
3.根据我的上下文, 我怎么操作,才可以达到目的? (目的如上)
其他的你自己研究研究。有一点要注意的是很多卡只包括excess insurance,也就是说你租车保险中不包的到时万一出了问题维修费还是要自担的。常见的比如挡风玻璃损坏,地盘损坏等,一般只有最高档的保险才保,但是最高档的保险基本都是$0 excess, 所以到头来信用卡送的没啥用。
我感觉这些policy 对于我 都没有用。。。
看来只能每天再给hertz 30 快钱了 。。。
We will pay any amounts You are responsible for under the Rental
Agreement, including the Deductible if loss is incurred during a
Covered Rental Trip, as a result of accidental damage, fire, vandalism,
theft or loss of use of the Rental Vehicle. This will apply whether
You are responsible or not for the accident.
We will pay You up to:
1. $100,000; or
2. the value of the Rental Vehicle; or
3. the value of the claim;
whichever is the lesser.
We will pay the above in respect of any one (1) accident or
occurrence and a maximum two (2) claims per three hundred and
sixty-five (365) days.
Terms and Conditions applicable to Loss Damage Waiver Cover
1. Coverage is limited to persons aged twenty-one (21) and over up
to eighty (80) years of age.
2. Cover will take effect from the time You take legal control of the
Rental Vehicle and will cease at the time the Rental Company
assumes control of the Rental Vehicle whether at its business
location or elsewhere.
3. Claims will not be paid in respect of expenses to the extent that
they are assumed, waived or paid by the Rental Company or its
4. No amount payable under this cover shall carry interest unless
payment has been unreasonably delayed following Our receipt
of all the required information, documents or other evidence
necessary to support the claim.
5. Losses will not be paid in respect of any property or expenses
insured under another policy or any claim which should be
recoverable under any other insurance.
6. Except with Our written consent You are not entitled to admit
liability or to give any representations binding upon You. We
shall be entitled to the absolute conduct, control and settlement
of all proceedings arising out of or in connection with claims in
Your name.
7. We may at Our own expense take proceedings in Your name
to recover compensation from any third party (subject to any
restrictions imposed at law, including under the Insurance
Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)) in respect of any indemnity provided
under this cover and any amounts so recovered shall belong to
Us and You shall provide all reasonable assistance to Us.
Exclusions under Loss Damage Waiver Cover (Please also refer to
the General Terms and Conditions applicable to all sections A–L
on page 38)
We will not cover loss of or arising from:
1. the rental of trailers or caravans, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds,
motorbikes and motor homes;
2. the rental of any vehicle used for Commercial purposes;
3. use of the Rental Vehicle in, or training for, racing competitions,
trials, rallies or speed testing;
4. operation of the Rental Vehicle in violation of the terms of the
Rental Agreement;
5. driving by persons who do not have a valid driving license or
anyone under the age of twenty-one (21) or over the age of eighty
(80) years, or anyone who is not an Insured Person;
6. damage sustained whilst not driving on a sealed public road;
7. Rental Vehicles with a retail purchase price in excess of $100,000
or vehicles over twenty (20) years old.
Explorer 貌似是全包的。 除非你开车去作死,或者商业用途。
直接给银行credit department打电话问一问,更清楚?
这是我的主要疑问: 这个policy 在什么样的条件 才适用?
根据我的理解 你要先使用这张卡 买holiday... 比如 买机票
Amex Explorer只要用卡付租车的钱就能cover最高10万,不需要订机票和酒店,但是租车地必须离家150公里以外,且车价不高于10万。
这是 purchase 的 complementary insurance? 还是travel insurance?
https://web.aexp-static.com/au/c ... -insurance-tncs.pdf
我的问题有了答案: 就是用explorer 租车。
你对anz 和 Westpac 的黑卡 了解吗? 有没有类似的保险 ....
anz不了解,Westpac的记得是要用卡付500以上的旅费才可以让旅游保险生效,然后包括租车,但是只cover你需要付给保险公司的垫底费,如果在美国租车没有垫底费的情况下也许就cover不了,而amex explorer可以。也许记忆有出入,PDS里应该写得很清楚。
我瞄了眼ANZ的policy,只要card holder是agreement声明的hirer且符合相应的residence status,rental excess保险就是自动激活的。Coverage上限5000,hertz在澳洲境内的租车基本都带4500垫底费的全险,所以理论上是可以不用再另买租车公司的excess。最好还是打电话给信用卡专线确认一下吧。
Yup, you are correct.
Yup, you are correct.
I'll have to pay 350$ excess fee for the claim.
Which is useless for me.
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