我刚刚开了一个usaver,打电话BankWest 客服,说他们有daily limit, 如果我想一次把钱转过去,就去branch.
结果到了branch,尽然跟我说不能按一般的transfer来作,就算我有bsb和account no也不行,因为usaver是一个online account,唯一办法就是从ubank 的link account transfer来request,我已经设好了linked accounts,难道大家都是这样操作的?也太麻烦了吧 我回家后看看ubank的help,里面明明说可以直接transfer money 到ubank啊?
我建议你BPAY+Funds Transfer+Linked account transfer
BPAY - lets you transfer funds electronically by using a simple BPAY? biller code and a unique customer reference number. Our biller code is 768374 and your customer reference number is your account number. Use these to make your deposit, and start earning interest immediately, all with no hassles and no paperwork.
Funds Transfer - simply transfer funds from any Australian bank account. Your USaver BSB number is 082-991. You'll also need your account number to make the funds transfer, you can find this by logging into UBank. Both your BSB and account number are shown within the USaver Account summary. If you do not have a record of your account number, don't worry, just give us a call on 13 30 80 and we'll provide this to you.
Cheque - simply write us a cheque made payable to UBank or the account holder(s). You'll need to write your full name, address, date of birth and your account number on the reverse side of the cheque. Please note we can't accept a third party cheque Send us your cheque to (no stamp required):
Reply Paid 1466
North Sydney NSW 2059
When we receive your cheque we will bank it and then deposit it into your UBank account once it clears. Please note this can take 3-5 business days. Remember, you start earning interest from the date we receive your check.
Linked account transfer - this is the most convenient method if you plan to make multiple deposits from one of your own accounts. To set up and verify a linked account, simply log in at ubank.com.au and select 'Create linked account', from the Transfer Money menu and follow the prompts. Once you've provided your linked account details we'll send a micro-payment of $0.01 to your linked account with your Authentication Number in the transaction description. This will normally appear in your linked account within one business day. Once you have the Authentication Number, please return to ubank.com.au, log in and select 'Create linked account', from the Transfer Money menu. Finally, select the "Pending" link next to your new linked account and enter the Authentication number to complete the verification process. And just so you know there's no limit to the number of linked accounts you can set up but there is a daily transfer $10k limit from verified linked accounts.
可以直接转的'ubank有bsb和account no的'可以通过你的网银直接转
把limit设到最高··westpac 10k/day··
谢谢各位回复,如果有人需要转钱我,直接网上transfer给bsb a/c 就可以了吧,branch里面说只能通过linked a/c操作也太扛爹了。
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