As I have home loan now, which interest is calculated daily. Then, credit card repayment is a problem now, I would like to pay the credit card at last minute, but I realize even my credit card has 55 days interest free, I still need to pay the closing balance each month. Does my understanding is right according to the following explanation, which is from bank.
“If your card has an ‘interest free day’ clause (check your pre contractual statement or your conditions of use) then you will qualify for interest free use so long as you pay the entire closing balance of each monthly statement before the due date shown on the statement. If you pay less than the full closing balance as shown on the statement you will incur interest charges in accord with the conditions of use. If you short pay one time, you usually need to pay the full balance for two consecutive months before your account will be interest free again.”
Please help, and thanks in advance!
信用卡公司所谓的最长免息期是指 你消费的入账时间正好在你账单日后1天
比如你信用卡是 44天免息,账单日在1号, 你消费2号入账要到下个月1号出帐
然后还有 14 天免息期还款, 如果你消费者 31号入账, 你只有 44-30 = 14 最少的还款期
如果你没有全额还款, 那么每天都要计算利息, 是复利
一般产生利息后, 最好多还款, 这样可以避免你只还本金但是差利息的情况
不好意思公司没有中文:) 谢谢楼上的解释, 说来说去就是每个月要把closing balance还清?
省下cash to offset home loan.
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