澳洲永久离开澳洲要提取super-are you elligible


If you have worked in Australia as a temporary resident you may be eligible to claim your superannuation money. You can do this if:
  • you visited on an eligible temporary resident visa*
  • your visa has expired or been cancelled
  • you have departed Australia**
*A list of eligible temporary resident visas is available from the Australian Taxation Office.
**You may still be able to return to Australia on another visa even if you claim and receive your superannuation money.

Temporary residents梕ligible temporary resident visas
Note:   New Zealand Citizens are not eligible for a departing Australia superannuation payment.
1. Subclass 301 (Australian Requirement)
2. Subclass 303 (Emergency (Temporary Visa Applicant))
3. Subclass 304 (Special equivalent 1989)
4. Subclass 305 (Interdependency)
5. Subclass 309 (Spouse (Provisional))
6. Subclass 310 Interdependency (Provisional)
7. Subclass 410 (Retirement)
8. Subclass 411 (Exchange)
9. Subclass 412 (Independent Executive)
10. Subclass 413 (Executive)
11. Subclass 414 (Specialist)
12. Subclass 415 (Foreign Government Agency)
13. Subclass 416 (Special Program)
14. Subclass 417 (Working Holiday)
15. Subclass 418 (Educational)
16. Subclass 419 (Visiting Academic)
17. Subclass 420 (Entertainment)
18. Subclass 421 (Sport)
19. Subclass 422 (Medical Practitioner)
20. Subclass 423 (Media and Film Staff)
21. Subclass 424 (Public Lecturer)
22. Subclass 425 (Family Relationship)
23. Subclass 426 (Domestic Worker (Temporary) — Diplomatic or Consular)
24. Subclass 427 (Domestic Worker (Temporary) — Executive)
25. Subclass 428 (Religious Worker)
26. Subclass 429 (Homosexual Partner)
27. Subclass 430 (Supported Dependant)
28. Subclass 432 (Expatriate (Temporary))
29. Subclass 433 (Subsequent Entry)
30. Subclass 434 (PRC Citizen)
31. Subclass 435 (Sri Lankan)
32. Subclass 436 (Lebanese (Temporary))
33. Subclass 437 (PRC (Temporary))
34. Subclass 438 (Refugee (Temporary))
35. Subclass 439 (Extended Eligibility)
36. Subclass 441 (Gulf Conflict (Temporary))
37. Subclass 442 (Occupational Trainee)
38. Subclass 443 (Citizens of Former Yugoslavia)
39. Subclass 445 (Dependent Child)
40. Subclass 446 (Confirmatory (Temporary))
41. Subclass 447 (Secondary Movement Offshore Entry (Temporary))
42. Subclass 448 (Kosovar Safe Haven (Temporary))
43. Subclass 449 (Humanitarian Stay (Temporary))
44. Subclass 450 (Resolution of Status — Family Member (Temporary))
45. Subclass 451 (Secondary Movement Relocation (Temporary))
46. Subclass 456 (Business (Short Stay))
47. Subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay))
48. Subclass 459 (Sponsored Business Visitor (Short Stay))
49. Subclass 490 (Refugee and Humanitarian)
50. Subclass 497 (Graduate — Skilled)
51. Subclass 499 (Olympic (Support))
52. Subclass 550 (Private Subsidised Student)
53. Subclass 551 (AIDAB Student)
54. Subclass 552 (EMSS Student)
55. Subclass 553 (Formal Course Student)
56. Subclass 554 (Trainee (Non-formal))
57. Subclass 555 (ELICOS Trainee (English Language))
58. Subclass 556 (Student (Restricted))
59. Subclass 560 (Student)
60. Subclass 561 (Student (Category B))
61. Subclass 562 (Iranian Postgraduate Student)
62. Subclass 563 (Iranian Postgraduate Student Dependant)
63. Subclass 570 (Independent ELICOS Sector)
64. Subclass 571 (Schools Sector)
65. Subclass 572 (Vocational Education and Training Sector)
66. Subclass 573 (Higher Education Sector)
67. Subclass 574 (Masters and Doctorate)
68. Subclass 575 (Non-Award Foundation/Other Sector)
69. Subclass 576 (AusAID or Defence Sponsored Sector)
70. Subclass 660 (Tourist)
71. Subclass 661 (Tourist (Special Arrangement))
72. Subclass 662 (Business Visitor)
73. Subclass 663 (Close Family Visitor)
74. Subclass 664 (Visitor (Other))
75. Subclass 665 (Medical Treatment Visitor)
76. Subclass 670 (Tourist (Short Stay))
77. Subclass 672 (Business (Short Stay))
78. Subclass 673 (Close Family Visitor (Short Stay))
79. Subclass 674 (Other Visitor (Short Stay))
80. Subclass 675 (Medical Treatment (Short Stay))
81. Subclass 676 (Tourist (Short Stay))
82. Subclass 679 (Sponsored Family Visitor (Short Stay))
83. Subclass 680 (Tourist (Long Stay))
84. Subclass 682 (Business Visitor (Long Stay))
85. Subclass 683 (Close Family Visitor (Long Stay))
86. Subclass 684 (Other Visitor (Long Stay))
87. Subclass 685 (Medical Treatment (Long Stay))
88. Subclass 686 (Tourist (Long Stay))
89. Subclass 771 (Transit)
90. Subclass 773 (Border)
91. Subclass 780 (Refugee A)
92. Subclass 781 (Refugee B)
93. Subclass 783 (PRC (Temporary))
94. Subclass 784 (Domestic Protection)
95. Subclass 785 (Temporary Protection)
96. Subclass 786 (Temporary (Humanitarian Concern))
97. Subclass 820 (Spouse (Extended Eligibility)
98. Subclass 822 (Family (Extended Eligibility))
99. Subclass 823 (Economic (Extended Eligibility))
100. Subclass 824 (Other (Extended Eligibility))
101. Subclass 825 (Processing)
102. Subclass 826 (Interdependency)
103. Subclass 827 (Refugee D (Restricted))
104. Subclass 828 (Limited Extended Eligibility)
105. Subclass 829 (PRC (Extended Eligibility)
106. Subclass 850 (Resolution of Status (Temporary))
107. Subclass 956 (Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant — Long Validity))
108. Subclass 976 (Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor — Short))
109. Subclass 977 (Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant — Short Validity)
110. Subclass 995 (Diplomatic (Temporary))





Conditions of release
Generally you can only access your preserved super when you meet one of the following “conditions of release”.
1. You retire after reaching your preservation age. (55岁)
2. You cease employment at age 60 or over.
3. You reach age 65.
4. You become permanently incapacitated¹.
5. You qualify on compassionate grounds or severe financial hardship¹.
6. You are the holder of an expired or cancelled temporary resident visa and you have permanently departed Australia

不同年龄的人取出养老金的不同税率,TAXPACK 2010 , 电子版的 PAGE 120 OF 132, TABLE 1: Superannuation lump sum http://www.ato.gov.au/content/downloads/IND00240020n09760610.pdf
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚1, 我卖了旧冰箱给一个人, 对方A很爽快付钱 2, 因为交流问题, 导致给货慢了.对方就向HSBC发起transaction dispute 3, 我马上和A联系, 他说马上去cancel transaction dispute. 4. 但A没有马上, 而是去了 ...



澳大利亚GOALSAVER要求每月多一块钱才能计息 比如本月初账上有1000,中间进1百万,过几天出,月底账上1001元 请问本月是否还有利息? 还是进1百万以后就不能减少,保持到月底,才能有利息? ...



澳大利亚请问下有人用过今日XX的Topay(今日 支付)这个app。 朋友还钱人民币懒得换汇了。之前广告就看到这个app,于是我今天随便用了一下缴了几个单子,结果支付宝钱扣了,可支付app里连缴 ...



澳大利亚名下只有一套自住房, 假设欠银行十万房货, offset 里面有一百万.好像个人资产除自住房外目前标准是四十万 评论 你的问题里不是已经提供了答案了吗? 评论 这个既算也不算,问题是这种 ...



澳大利亚本次回国在成都15天,泰国7天,实地测试使用了Wise卡,结果如下 1,在成都使用很顺滑,刷卡消费,没有被拒过,(金额几百块人民币),有时可以刷,有时需要插入卡,但是都能正常 ...



澳大利亚想把放在澳洲银行的美元换澳元,但是汇率太差了。 我爸爸在香港有个账号,我想把美元汇给他,在香港换成澳元再汇回来。请问是否可行? 另外去CBA的时候,汇款理由怎么写?换汇? ...



澳大利亚请问各位大神,用信用卡积分换机票一般要提前多长时间订,打算明年三月出行,现在要订了吗?谢谢。 评论 你得先把信用卡积分换成xx航空的里程,然后再换 3月份的差不多了,尤其 ...



澳大利亚没收到任何通知,这个月收月费了,怎么回事? 评论 我们都销户了转bankwest zero了 评论 问题时改费用居然不通知,连个邮件都没有,今天收到账单出现了扣款。可以这么霸道的改条款? ...



澳大利亚细胞型的ABN,没有会计,年底自己报账。 1,如何给自己交super?是不是得先给自己开工资条? 2,可否给自己交太多super, 导致ABN亏损要借贷才能继续经营? 评论 不难。第一条,跟你的 ...


super fund里的死亡险

澳大利亚大家都有买吗?虽然一个月才40,50, 但是cover的额度也只有40万不到,交了十几年了。 越来越觉得不值。 评论 也想知道,最后人去世的时候有没有得赔? 还是退休这个保险就结束了 ...