澳洲ZT SMH: 按新的Workplace Agreement条件工作的人每周少


针对新的工业关系法的最大的一次调查显示,按新的Workplace Agreement条件工作的人比仍然按集体谈判条件工作的人,每周少收入106元。

People who sign up to AWAs earn less, study shows

Matthew Moore and Andrew West
October 2, 2007
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PEOPLE on Australian Workplace Agreements earn an average of $106 a week less than their counterparts on collective agreements, the biggest study of the new workplace laws has found.

The study of 8343 people, half-funded by the Federal Government, shows workers on AWAs earned an average $1069.57 a week, compared with $1175.97 by workers on collective agreements, with both groups working an average 44 hours a week.

The Australia@Work report, by the University of Sydney's Workplace Research Centre, shows why the debate over wages and working conditions has been ranked by voters as a major election issue since the March 2006 Work Choices law began to take effect.

The most recent Bureau of Statistics figures suggest workers on AWAs are earning 9 per cent more than those on collective agreements. But the bureau only measured the first eight weeks of Work Choices, up to May 2006, while this new study is based on data gathered until July this year.

The study found collective bargaining has been disappearing for many years and that the trend is accelerating, helped by Work Choices and AWAs.

Common law contracts are also growing in popularity. Employees on these contacts are overwhelmingly managers and executives, and their average salary is $1584.29 a week.

The report also reveals Australians have some of the longest working hours in the world. More than a fifth work 50 hours or more a week. Miners work an average 55-hour week, and 21 per cent of all workers wished they could work fewer hours.

The Howard Government introduced AWAs in 1996 to encourage employers and staff to directly negotiate pay and

conditions, but the report finds that direct bargaining is increasingly uncommon. Forty-six per cent of all people on AWAs say they had no opportunity to negotiate their contents. Of 177,000 people who moved onto AWAs this year, 56 per cent said there was no negotiation.

The authors suspect employers are using "non-negotiated AWAs" to move workers from award entitlements to the cheaper minimum legal standards.

As this trend emerged early this year, the Government introduced a fairness test in May to stop employees trading away entitlements like overtime and shift penalties without fair compensation.

The report is the first instalment of a five-year study in which the same people will be interviewed each year. It was jointly funded by the NSW Labor Council and the Federal Government through the Australia Research Council.

The report also found high-skill employees on non-negotiated AWAs are working more paid and unpaid hours than those on individual contracts. Staff on these take-it-or leave-it AWAs "earn the lowest hourly rate regardless of skill level," the report says.

James Chessell, a spokesman for the Minister for the Minister for Workplace Relations, Joe Hockey, challenged the conclusions of the study.

"We think the ABS figures are a more reliable guide than a study cooked up by [Research Centre director] John Buchanan and his cronies," Mr Chessell said.

[ 本帖最后由 bulaohu 于 2007-10-2 11:14 编辑 ]

早上开车听了这条新闻,这个对应的是low skill的labour。并不觉得意外,AWA主要针对的这个界别成本虚高的问题。

no, they found it also true to highly skilled workers.


“The report also found high-skill employees on non-negotiated AWAs are working more paid and unpaid hours than those on individual contracts. Staff on these take-it-or leave-it AWAs "earn the lowest hourly rate regardless of skill level," the report says.”

但是high-skill employee甚少会签AWA的,大部分都是individual contract.劳务市场上技术短缺决定了雇主不能在high-skill employee上占太多的便宜。
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