3 Day Web Sale - 20% Off Everything In Stock
截止日期:23:59pm 5月24日
(邮费计算:https://www.koorong.com/info/del ... -shipping-rates.jsp)
Conditions: 20% discount applies to online purchases paid for at time of order by credit card or PayPal only. Online orders must be received between 00:01am Tuesday 22nd May 2018 and 23:59pm, Thursday 24th May 2018 (AEST) to receive discount. Discount available for items currently in stock only and not valid in conjunction with any other discount or offer. Does not apply to eBooks, eAudio Books, gift cards/vouchers, tickets, licences, NETT priced items, donations, bookstalls, backorders, email, fax, phone, mail orders, BPAY, prepaid orders, in-store orders unless an in-store coupon is used, or orders charged to a Koorong account. Koorong Reward Points are not earned on purchases with discount over 20%. Shipping rates are calculated after sale discount has been applied. WEB182.
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