澳洲Bilibili to Rid Platform of Insensitive Jokes or Hate Content


原标题:Bilibili to Rid Platform of Insensitive Jokes or Hate Content

Image Source: Visual China

BEIJING, May 11 (TMTPOST) — Chinese video site Bilibili is going to crack down on insensitive content that makes fun of death, suffering and disability on its platform, according to an official announcement.

The video-sharing site points out in the announcement that there is video content on its platform that makes fun of people’s suffering and traumatic experiences for popularity. There are also content and comments on Bilibili that aim to increase polarization or constitute of discrimination and hate speech, the platform said. As a result, Bilibili will be cracking down on such content in its community.

“We have been noticing that there is a trend within our community that makes fun of other people’s traumatic experiences such as death and illnesses. Such content, known as ‘Hellish Jokes’ in our community, has been spreading on Bilibili. We believe such content is inherently disrespectful,” Bilibili said in the announcement.

One example of the “Hellish Jokes” on Bilibili is a parody of Kobe Bryant, in which a user photoshopped Kobe Bryant to a helicopter to mock his tragic helicopter crash.

Bilibili has also noticed that some users would attack other users based on their gender, profession and age, etc.

In response, Bilibili has banned such content on its platform. According to the announcement, Bilibili has banned content creation that makes fun of death, illnesses and disabilities (both physical and mental), mocks disasters or major social events and increases polarization based on gender.

Bilibili will impose penalties on users who violate the platform’s new rules, such as decreasing recommendations for a channel, taking down videos or account ban. Bilibili will be mainly taking down videos that violate the new rules in the first month. Users can report problematic video content to the platform’s online customer service team.


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