近日,在澳洲请愿网站change.org上,新州民众发起一封请愿书,希望立即解雇新州现任州长佩罗特(Dominic Perrottet),理由是,佩罗特让新州人陷入疫情爆发之中。
很明显,多米尼克·佩罗特 (Dominic Perrottet) 导致新州走向严重的灾难,让疫情在新州广泛传播,危及我们的健康和生命。现在新增病例急剧增加,但佩罗特仍然着眼于解除限制措施、放松社交距离和隔离要求。这也证明,佩罗特不适合这份工作。我们需要的是一位合适的州长,能够带领我们朝着正确方向应对疫情的州长。
It is clear that Dominic Perrottet is leading the state to severe disaster of wide spreading COVID-19 to each family, risking our health and life. Now new cases are dramatically increasing but he is still removing facemarks, social distancing, and quarantine requirements. He has been prove not suitable to his job. We need a right state premier who can lead us to the right direction to deal with VOVID-19.
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